After several working parties clearing and preparing, planting started a week ago.   Two triangles of derelict land near Macaulay Road crossing have now got plants, courtesy of the City of Melbourne and the Kensington Stationeers group plus Rob from the Newmarket Stationeers.  On the 27th more plants – along the fence next to the ramp to Bellair Street.  Have a look – it will make you happy!  And now some rains have arrived!  Excellent.

What’s this all about? A Kensington Association member, Kerrie, has got into action with something that many of us have thought about but never did anything – to beautify Kensington Station by planting gardens and shrubs where currently there is unsightly gravel, rubbish and scrub.  How good will that be?  Residents have done wonders with Newmarket Station.  Now we will have a go.

Kerrie has got the cooperation of both Metro and the City of Melbourne.  Metro has given permission for rubbish removal and planting, and the City of Melbourne is providing gardening advice and plants.  See attachment for Kerrie’s plan.  No wonder it is succeeding!

If you are interested finding out more about this exciting project, please contact Kerrie directly:

See her vision for Kensington Station here:

Greening Kensington Railway Station-Feb2013

First plantingfirst planting2(See also our item on the forthcoming South Kensington Stationeers, assisted and coordinated by Regional Rail.)

Stationeers at work 23:2:13 small





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