You may have recently noticed City of Melbourne inspectors going through your rubbish bins. This is because their annual recycling bin inspection program kicked off again on 26 September 2016.

A sample of recycling bins will be checked when placed onto the kerbside for collection in order for the Council to validate research that suggests that despite Melburnians being avid recyclers, our rubbish bins are full of recyclables that are unfortunately being sent to landfill – 300,000 wheelie bins worth each week.

Bins that are observed to have the correct items will have a green ‘Well Done’ tag attached to the handle. Bins that have almost all the correct contents will receive an amber tag, and bins with several incorrect items will have a red ‘Please Recycle Correctly’ tag.

We’d like to hear if your bin has been inspected and what your feedback is on the program by leaving a comment below.

And you can also click here for a refresher on what can be recycled and what needs to go to landfill.