Newsletter April 2021

Latest Newsletter April 2021

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Newsletter April 2021

Autumn greetings to readers! 

I guess, for many, it’s a time (if you have some wonderful trees around you) to watch out for those blocked gutters!

The Kensington Association continues to meet face to face at the Town Hall – long may it continue!  It’s interesting to compare meeting in person with meeting via Zoom.  The latter seems more efficient, but is it more effective? How important is the experience of doing business in the presence (with) of the real people?

News Update

 Metro Tunnel – Residents in the vicinity of the Western Portal are at present having serious conversation with Rail Projects Victoria (RPV) about the projected loss of parking spaces as a result of the Metro Tunnel work. Members of KA have been working hard (conferring, writing letters, getting support from our local member Ellen Sandell) to try and minimise the loss of parking.  Evan Tattersall (CEO or RPV) has said that there will be a total of 86 parking spaces will be reinstated along Childers St when the project is completed (I’m not sure how that compares with previous parking capacity). We have also been angling for there to be parking available at 1-39 Hobsons Rd to compensate for any loss. (Watch This Space)

Railway Noise – Kensington Banks residents (in particular) have been disturbed by some alterations to the train tracks. When trains pass a certain point there are noises that wake residents nearby (can you imagine being woken at 5am or so when the first trains pass!). This is yet another example of how infrastructural projects present challenges for communities!  This disturbance is being monitored, but as yet we have not heard about any results. Clearly the issue must be resolved! (Watch This Space)

Macaulay Structural Plan (MSP) – In September last year KA submitted a detailed submission to City of Melbourne planners in response to the Macaulay Structural Plan Refresh. In that response we raised concerns about three aspects of the Plan – the built form controls, creation of open space, and the road and lane networks. We asked for further consultation about those issues which will take place during the next month. For those who read the Flem/Ken News and the North West City News, the issues we have raised in the recent editions about Macaulay Rd development will also be discussed. I understand the timeline (this year) is for plans to be presented to the Future Melbourne Committee (FMC) around July, and final plans (particularly built form controls) to go to the Minister for Planning in September.

Any reader/community member who has concerns or contributions to make about the above issues please drop me a line.  AND …. If you are not a member of KA …. Please go to our website and support our work by either joining KA or making a donation …. We do important work, much of it behind the scenes on your behalf!

Kensington Association Meeting – Next Meeting – April 12th

Conference Room – Kensington Town Hall – 7.30-9.00

Special guestsRobert Menzies, the new manager of Kensington Neighbourhood House, and Marti Block one of the instigators or the KNH food pantry (see NWCN page 17).


Plan ahead for next KA meeting ………..


Kensington Association – May meeting – May 3rd

Special GuestAndy Fergus, Urban Designer for ‘Assemble’, developers of 402 Macaulay Rd, 393 Macaulay Rd, and 15 Thompson St.

Simon Harvey (Chairperson) –





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