Newsletter March 2021

Latest Newsletter March 2021

To download a printable copy of the latest Newsletter, please click on the link below.



Newsletter March 2021

Greetings to all readers. Summer is nearly over and Autumn is upon us!

The Association met on February 1st in person – first time since March 2nd 2020. The details of our next meeting on MARCH 1st …… yes tomorrow!  …..  is below.

Kensington Association – March meeting (in person) – Kensington Town Hall

First Floor – Conference Room – 7.30-9.00pm – Monday March 1st

  1. Special Covid Regulations and YMCA requirements. All attendees to KA meetings must register their QR Code before attending– (Please use this link) QR Code Register – Kensington Town Hall

News Update

 Macaulay Road action (update)

 In the February Newsletter – also in the upcoming Flem/Ken News – I wrote about my concerns in relation to future development along Macaulay Road. I would welcome any feedback from readers, particularly on the F/K News article. There are a couple of updates. First, in relation to the large apartment development on the corner of Stubbs and Macaulay (Vision Australia building). The developer has apparently sold the site, presumably they got cold feet about whether or not what they had planned was commercially viable. This does not mean that the new owner won’t build what has been approved, but it probably means there is a significant question mark about the future development of the site, both in terms of form and timing. Secondly, I wrote that the Webb warehouse site on the northern side of Macaulay Rd (402 Macaulay Rd) is projected to have construction start in April. That’s not correct, it is still in the design phase, and probably won’t start until 2021. The other thing to clarify, for those of you who might read the AFR (Australian Financial Review), there was an article on this proposed development. It said there will be 400 apartments, this is wrong, there will more likely be around 340-50; the planning is still in a very early stage.

Hyperlocal News and Ken/Flem News

Hopefully you got your copy of this new paper – the ‘North West City News’ (Hyperlocal News). I understand that it was meant to be delivered to your door, but I know there were some teething problems – I’m sure the Facebook ban didn’t help! I personally liked the first edition, I think that together with the Flem/Ken News, we will be well served in local news. If you don’t get either of these papers, make sure you let them know, it’s not easy to distribute to every house and they are both worthwhile – far superior to ‘The Local Paper’.

Macaulay Structural Plan

The summary reports from the further consultation stage of both the draft Arden and Macaulay Structure Plans have been released.

I was heartened by my quick read across the 7 themes from each of the consultations, in that the issues raised through the consultation are the key factors that the Kensington Association emphasises and seeks to realise. Of course, there is always a big BUT. To what degree will these factors (and values) be realised as development plans are translated into reality? The communities have given quality feedback, will they translate to quality development over the next decade?

Fresh Food Project

At a recent Kensington Community Network meeting we had a presentation from a wonderful fresh food initiative, aimed to help those less able to access the same. Have a look at the link.

Simon Harvey (Chairperson) –



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