Minutes February 1st, 2021

Minutes: February 1st, 2021

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Minutes February 1st 2021



Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Kensington Town Hall 7:30pm


House Keeping

·       Apologies: Cr Leppert, Moira Yffer, Geoff Cox, Louise Segafreddo

·       November meeting minutes were tabled. Tony and Therese endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

Correspondence In: received notification from City of Melbourne (CoM) over a workshop in relation to their communication and engagement policy with the community. To be held on Tuesday from 12pm – 1:30pm, where survey will be issued.

Also received notification about Moonee Ponds Creek (MPC) catchment litter assessment and litter tracker launch. This is an initiative run by City West Water and the Chain of Ponds Collaboration.

Correspondence Out: KA’s Environmental Infrastructure Submission was sent. (We may later have the opportunity to present it in person. Copy is available on the KA website).


General Business & Reports

Treasurer’s Report Tony C

·      Few transactions for the month.

·      Funds out: catering for Christmas party and prepaid Kensington Town Hall rent.

·      Tony C noted that we were expecting $1,550 grant from CoM to cover operational expenses such as storage, admin fees and rental for use of Kensington Town Hall.

 Membership Secretary’s Report – Tony C

·      Two new members for the month. Membership period runs to June.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese F/David E

·      Completion date extended for another 12 months to September.

·      Another month of out of hours work has continued, although noise has not yet ramped up.

·      Working group has indicated that after February, no more after hours work is expected, which will assist with the noise issues. Out of hours truck noise/traffic has been resolved. But will need to continue to be monitored.

·      Issue continues to be loss of parking, which has not yet been addressed or acknowledged. There will be 65 less parking spots which will drive more cars into nearby streets. This will also impact station access.

Action: Dennis to draft letter on parking issues, which will be then used as a basis for formal letter to be issued by Kensington Association.

 Moonee Ponds Creek (MPC) Report – John

·      John noted we had received double (200%) of 2019 rainfall, which had increased rubbish in the traps. The via-duct had been built but plantings have lapsed.

·      There were new sub-contractors who were systematically removing graffiti along the Moonee Ponds Creek corridor.

·      John noted that State MPs had been invited to do a walk around the Creek. This had proven effective in them understanding the surroundings and issues that resident constantly raise.

Action: John to follow up counsellors to see if they wanted to walk around the creek.

 West Gate Tunnel Project – Fran

·      Fran provided an update on matters discussed at the last meeting. Two significant maters to report:

(a)          Metro rail HV cable had been reallocated. It also needs to be shorter, which means that it won’t have such a big impact on Kensington.

(b)          Velodrome for bikes also being re-assessed, including the plant vegetation in the area.

·      A walk was taking place on 9th – 11th with the traditional owners of the land and representation had been sought from the community/residents.

Kensington Community Network – Simon H

There is a fresh food project from the One Box (freshfoodproject@the onebox.org.au), which will be made available for the community at 50% off retail price.

Art show going ahead on the 26th/28th March at the Kensington Town Hall.

There is a new director at the Kensington Community House, with good experience.


Other follow up matters

Mary Keating – Flem/Ken News re Hyperlocal News

·      Mary introduced herself and explained that a newspaper was coming out in mid Feb, which would cover North/West Melbourne.

·      Flem/Ken newspaper had been operating for 40 years now and was used by the community and had survived because of community content and support.

·      Mary was concerned that the new newspaper would be looking at the same pool of advertisers, which may threaten survival of Flem/Ken news, which is a not for profit organisation, run by volunteers.  

·      She was coming to seek support from residents and KA. In particular, she was looking for local stories and for local residents to keep ears open for content that would be submitted.

·      The Association has Mary’s email and was happy to make available for anyone who sought to get in contact with Flem/Ken news or Mary.

Younghusband consultation report (David E)

·       It has been confirmed that they will sell and are going to put on the market in the second half of the year.

·       The have published that KA have supported the project, which is not right as we had only supported the first stage of the project.

·       Parking continues to be an area of concern. Assurances have been given that there will be sufficient parking spots, even if some people don’t own a car.

·       Likely current owners will proceed with getting planning approval for Stage 2, which will increase the value of the project when sold.

·       KA seeking to have assurances that if the new owners move away from the current design, then need to seek approval again. This will now be handled by the Victorian Government.


Matters from the meeting floor

·       Simon H noted that we would seek to understand what our focus areas/projects would be for 2021. In particular, what most residents were concerned about.

·       Bruce Street development – VCAT dismissed the matter, with no concessions granted.

·       Macaulay Road development – There has been a lot of mud and dust coming from the site. 

Action: John to follow up.

·       Members also discussed planning applications and frustration with developers getting in before the new infrastructure plans are enacted with safeguards for the community.


Next meeting

·       Next meeting will be held on 1st March 2021 at Kensington Town Hall.


To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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