Minutes August 3rd, 2020

Minutes: August 3rd, 2020

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes

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Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey Minute Taker: Fran Araneda Location: Zoom Meeting



  • Welcome: To members and special guests.

  • Attendees: Simon Harvey, Fran Araneda, Maritza Araneda, Rohan Leppert, Peter

    Cassidy, Therese Fitzgerald, Tony Ceddia, David Ettershank, Stephen Alomes, Nikki

    Gaskell, Sheila Byard.

  • Apologies: Geoff Cox, Moira Yffer.


Special Guests

  • David Morison, Senior Strategic Planner, City of Melbourne

  • Mel del Monaco, Community Engagement Partner, City of Melbourne Macaulay Draft Structure Plan Refresh

  • The Arden-Macaulay Structure Plan (and Planning Scheme Amendment C190) was

    adopted by the City of Melbourne (“CoM”) in 2012 to guide future growth and

    development in parts of Kensington and North Melbourne.

  • In 2016, Arden and Macaulay were separated into two projects, due to changes in

    the planning context. In November 2019, the Outcomes for Macaulay Discussion Paper was released followed by the Macaulay Draft Structure Plan Refresh (the “draft plan”).

  • The draft plan was presented to the Future Melbourne Committee in July and will be open for community consultation until Tuesday 15th of September.

  • Endorsement from Council is expected in late 2020 – early 2021.

  • There will be opportunities, through the planning scheme amendment process, for

    the community to make written or verbal submissions.

  • Why a refresh? Since the adoption of the Arden-Macaulay Structure Plan in 2012

    there have been a number of changes to the planning context affecting the Macaulay area.
    1. Opportunity to review and improve built form controls – The Minister for

Planning requested a review of the built form controls and identified a number of

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improvements which could be made.

  1. Separate planning processes for Arden and Macaulay – The Victorian

    Planning Authority and the City of Melbourne (“CoM”) are leading the planning for Arden; CoM is leading the planning for Macaulay. New structure plans are being prepared concurrently that recognise the different futures expected for these two distinct areas. These plans will supersede the 2012 structure plan.

  2. Metro Tunnel is under construction – The 2012 structure plan was developed with the assumption that Metro Tunnel would be built. Construction commenced in 2016 and the tunnel is due to open in 2025.

  3. Revised population forecasts – The 2012 structure plan forecast 20,500 residents and 22,500 jobs by 2040+ for both Arden and Macaulay. The Victorian Government has subsequently revised forecasts for the area as part of the Metro Tunnel business case.

  4. New approaches to flood mitigation –The precinct is located in low-lying, flood prone land and is bisected by the Moonee Ponds Creek. More extreme rainfall events and sea level rise will exacerbate flooding and water management issues in the area.

  5. Development contributions – Ministerial Amendment C295 introduced an interim Development Contributions Plan Overlay (DCPO) for Macaulay. Under the DCPO, a developer is required to make a monetary contribution to help fund new and upgraded infrastructure. The interim DCPO is set to expire 30 June 2020 and will be extended.

  6. Affordable housing – The CoM has identified a current shortfall of 5,500 affordable homes across the municipality. By 2036 there is expected to be approximately 27,100 people in need of social and affordable housing.

• Key objectives of the refreshed structure plan:

  1. To set the vision and framework for the long-term future growth, development

    and character of Macaulay;

  2. To give clarity and certainty about the level and type of development that can

    occur in the area in terms of built form and land use;

  3. To ensure that community infrastructure, open space and transport provisions

    meet the needs of a growing population;

  4. To help deliver CoM and Victorian Government strategies and policies related to


  5. To identify a set of actions to deliver the vision and framework for the future

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development of Macaulay.

  • Format of the Plan (4 parts):

    1. Introduction: Explores the context of Macaulay, the drivers of change and the structure plan process;

    2. The framework: Four framework themes detail the objectives and actions to help deliver the vision for Macaulay;

    3. Places: Details how the vision for each place will be achieved by applying the objectives and actions in the framework;

    4. Making it happen: Explains how the actions in the plan will be delivered.

  • The draft plan has been developed using a ‘place based’ approach by identifying

    four distinct places in Macaulay, each with its own character and qualities. These

    four places are referred to as Boundary, Melrose, Chelmsford and Stubbs.

  • The initial plan had a 30 year vision, different to how this is being approached now

    (general vision for area with specific outcomes for 4 precincts).

  • Four key themes:

o Densityandbuiltform:coversnewcontrols,highqualitydesign, environmental requirements, history and character.

o Activitiesanduses:coversmixedusedevelopment,localactivitycentres, community infrastructure and affordable housing.

o Movementandaccess:walkingandbikeriding(priority),publictransport, opportunities to reduce car dependency.

o Streetsandspaces:openspace,MooneePondsCreek.

  • Interim built form controls in Macaulay are resulting in developments with high

    densities. If this trend continues the cumulative effect would lead to a future

    population that is significantly higher than current population forecasts.

  • What is proposed? A floor area ratio that sets a specific amount of development

    that can occur on a site. When combined with other built form controls, it allows for variation in the height and shape of buildings. This will help to ensure that new development is more responsive to its site and the characteristics of an area.

  • Questions from the floor:

o Sheila: To what extent does the draft plan address the nature and severity of

contamination that exists in the various land parcels within the Macaulay area and in ground water? Work done in 2012 looked at contamination. Question taken on notice.

o Stephen: Community plan post COVID-19. The draft plan was developed pre-

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o Tony: Are future vehicular traffic flows considered separately? Consultants have

been engaged to complete traffic modelling for both Macaulay and Arden. Issues of car dependency across the broader area are difficult for the plan to tackle and address. Proposing to move away from minimum car park requirements to maximum car park requirements to encourage greater use of public transport. Over time as the area changes may also consider shorter car parking time limits.

o David E: Can we get access to the traffic data?
o Maritza: How will the development contribution work and what mechanisms will

be put in place to ensure that it goes back to the community? Council is preparing development contribution plan. Proposed rate approx. $16.5k per dwelling and for commercial about $190/square metre (a bit less for retail).

o Peter: Up until the Macaulay Refresh is adopted by the CoM will planners be guided by it for interim developments? Current controls will apply until planning scheme amendments are approved. Current controls do not expire until September 2021.

o David E: In our submission we talked about the importance of the relationship with the Arden planning process. What is happening with that?

o Nikki: Definition of ‘interface’ in context of Bruce Street Development. Council approved plans with exceptions on heights that did not align with what is being proposed under the draft plan (i.e. exception to go above preferred height and floor area ratio and set-backs for top 2 levels).

o Nikki: Can we have more details on the Fink Street modelling? And overlooking. o Stephen: All proposals should be put against a community measure – i.e. what

does it contribute to the community? Improved or worsened amenity?

  • Action: David and Mel to respond to remaining questions via email.

  • Participate Melbourne site has FAQs.



  • Minutes from the July meeting confirmed by Therese and Nikki.

  • AGM postponed until October.


General Business & Reports

Treasurer and Membership Secretary’s Report – Tony
• Founds in: refund from Kensington Town Hall booking; Founds out: payment for

ongoing website work.

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• Grant application needs to be submitted by mid-August. Other

  • Liveability Working Group: Group has been looking at the draft plan and getting

    feedback from the community on what is important to them. Looking for help from planners to provide expert advice (could be pursued via grant). Maritza to circulate document.

  • Rohan: Structure Plan and C190 was initially put in place 2012. He is available to provide further details/information and help explain the key differences between the initial plan and the refreshed plan.

6. Next Meeting: Monday 7th of September, 7:30-9:30pm



To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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