Minutes: June 2nd, 2020

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 1 June 2020



Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Fran Araneda

Location: Zoom Meeting



·       Welcome: To members and special guests.

·       Attendees: Simon Harvey, Fran Araneda, Maritza Araneda, Therese Fitzgerald, Geoff Cox, Tony Ceddia, Stephen Alomas, Milly Adamson, Melanie Del Monaco, Janet Graham, Peter & Amanda Cassidy, John Widmer, Nikki Gaskell, Melanie Del Monaco.

·       Apologies: Liz Forbes, Moira Yffer.


House Keeping                                                             

Matters Arising

·       Minutes from the May meeting passed by Therese and John.

·       The Lord Mayor’s office is yet to respond to outstanding questions from the February meeting. Simon will continue to follow this up.

Correspondence In

·       Paper relating to the Bruce Street development;

·       Invite from YoungHusband for a zoom call on Thursday 4th June (6.00-7.30pm) to provide an update on the status of the project, where to from here, and for residents to ask questions; 

·       Letter from CoRBA requesting renewal of membership. The meeting resolved to contact CoRBA to determine whether it might be worthwhile to re-join.

·       Action: Simon volunteered to contact the Chairperson and make an assessment and recommendation.

Correspondence Out

·       Set of questions sent to the Lord Mayor again asking for more detailed responses.


Guest Speakers: Milly Adamson (Strategic Planner with City of Melbourne)

·       Milly addressed the meeting to provide an update on the ‘Maribyrnong Waterfront: A Way Forward’ report (“the Report”), which recommends a position on land-use and spatial planning for the Maribyrnong waterfront area, west of JJ Holland Park.

·       The Maribyrnong Waterfront is located 3.5 kilometres west of the Central City. It is approximately 58 hectares in size and is bordered by the Maribyrnong River to the west and Dynon Rail yards and Kensington residential area to the east. The Maribyrnong Waterfront runs along the length of the City of Melbourne’s boundary with the Maribyrnong River, not including Port of Melbourne land.

·       The Report has been informed by a City of Melbourne Context, Issues and Opportunities Report, five background studies and early stakeholder engagement.

·       The five consultant background studies included: Aboriginal Cultural Values, Economic and Employment Analysis; Preliminary Land Contamination Assessment; Industrial Risk Assessment; and Integrated Water Management Strategy.

·       Key findings/recommendations:

o   There are a number of industrial land uses in the area that omit noise and smell pollutants that may cause potential risks and amenity impacts to sensitive land uses;

o   Areas south of Dynon Road be retained for industrial land uses to avoid compromising the future potential employment function of the Dynon precinct;

o   The mixed use zoning along Hobsons Road remains an appropriate interface to this community given the established residential uses in Kensington;

o   The existing Commercial 2 Zone along Kensington and Dynon roads be retained as it serves an important interface function between sensitive land uses and industrial land uses. The zone also accommodates a diverse mix of businesses;

o   The area is subject to extensive flooding and existing flood mitigation is currently not sufficient to protect existing properties;

o   Kensington and Dynon roads function as key freight and vehicle routes, which have created an environment that is unsafe for people walking and cycling.

·       The Paper argues for a new community hub in the area and public open space in and around the precinct.

·       Therese asked whether the work being done as part of the Metro Tunnel Project have been taken into account, and in particular the use of the area along Childers Street for parking.

·       John asked about the Scalso Development. Milly advised that final plans have not been submitted to council.

·       Nikki asked about the connection of bike paths from Dynon Road to the river which is lacking. Milly will put this to the traffic management team.

·       Some concern was expressed about downgrading Dynon Road as a key arterial road. Milly promised to provide further details on this.

·       Members also emphasised the importance of South Kensington station, and that its upgrade should be included in any future development.

·       The Paper is going to the Future Melbourne Planning Committee on the 2nd of June.


General Business & Reports

Treasurer and Membership Secretary’s Report Tony

·       Quiet month, no expenses.

·       Long-time member Stephen has re-joined after a number of years.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese

·       Biggest issue remains the loss of parking – the east side of Childers Street will lose 20 spots (i.e. going from 25 to 5).

·       Awaiting a response following recent submission. Two key issues raised included how bikes and trucks will enter Childers Street and the trade-off between the ‘Green wall’ and parking (this trade-off was not made clear to the community when the ‘Green wall’ was proposed).

·       Concern was raised around the format of community meetings – only 30 minutes back-to-back without any time for questions.

·       Maritza acknowledged the work done by the Metro Tunnel Working Group, including the well-written submission prepared by Therese.

Community Liaison Group for West Gate Tunnel Project – Fran

·       No new updates since last meeting.

Moonee Ponds Creek – John

·       John continues to report graffiti to Ellen Sandell’s office – it is now taking up to 20 days for it to be removed (vs. 5 days previously).

·       Kensington has had 110% of last year’s rainfall by the first week of May.

·       The rains have seen a big growth in weeds around the infill plants Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek (“FoMPC”) planted last August. A Weeding Bee has been scheduled for Sunday 14th June (10am-12noon) along the Kensington Embankment, off Bent St, Kensington. To comply with the 20 participant limit bookings are required.

·       Tree prunings have taken place under the power easement, with branches left on the ground. Growth rings show that trees were older than 25+ years.

·       Litter traps are not working properly, with litter now floating over the traps.

·       Kensington Community Network – Simon

·       The supply of food provisions from the special working group has greatly assisted the housing community.

·       The team responsible for the Festival is teaming up with Rotary.

PCCC (Therese)

·       No new updates since last meeting


Other Business

·       Bruce Street Development (Peter) – Planning approvals have been issued following a recommendation from CoM Officers at a Future Melbourne Planning Committee (“FMPC”) meeting. However, Peter and his partner have sought independent advice and believe they have grounds to appeal the decision at VCAT.

·       The Association asked what it can do to support the submission/objection. Peter will revert once process is underway.

·       Vision Australia Building Development (Maritza) – At last month’s FMPC it was agreed that the development had to be re-advertised. Objections had to be in by the 25th of May.

·       Members once again raised concerns around the number of developments in the area and the lack of disregard for planning controls which are not being adhered to, particularly in regards to set-backs and building heights and bulk. Also, very little is being done to increase the capacity of community services which are already stretched.

·       Simon moved a motion to set up a small working group to look at this issue more closely and make some recommendations. Endorsed by John and carried unanimously.

·       Digital Record Keeping (Simon) – Held over until next meeting.


Next Meeting: Monday 6th of July, 7:30-9:30pm



To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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