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This is your chance to ask our local candidates what they see as infrastructure priorities –  more tollways or public transport? Would they support federal funding of the East West link – despite experts calling it a folly and the burden it would be for taxpayers? Minority candidates need to take a stand on the tollway that would march across our suburb. Major party candidates need to paint a seriously considered picture of what they see as transport priorities for the balance between the needs of a growing Melbourne and the rights of its inner city residents.

Wednesday 28th August 7:00pm – Holy Rosary School Hall.

Do the candidates in this currently marginal seat of Melbourne understand what Kensington is and what it needs? What do they know of the people who live here and how to ensure we get a better share of health, education and aged care facilities and services? How would they represent our interests? Come and ask them about the federal matters that are important to you.