During 2021 the Kensington Association has grappled with many development issues in the areas surrounding Macaulay Rd – traffic, parking, population, building height, bulk, design and the setback from site boundaries. We have attempted to keep some of the issues in the forefront of the minds of residents, so that we in the Kensington Association are representing the community authentically. Having a regular column in both the Flem/Ken News and in the new local paper, the North West City News, Chairperson Simon Harvey has highlighted some of the issues and regularly sort feedback through the Kensington Association newsletter. The first 4 articles appeared in the papers from the end of 2020 through 2021. Whilst they are the views or the Chairperson, they are in general also indicative of the position of the Association on these matters. The last 3 entries concern developments in Macaulay Rd. The final entry is a letter from Barnett St residents Stuart Tait and Jane Liefman to Planning Minister Wynne. The second last is the draft of letter from the Association about the same 402 Macaulay development. Click on the buttons to read.

Urban Renewal

The Macaulay Dilemma

The Case for a Kensington Precinct Plan

Car Conundrum

415 Macaulay Rd

Draft Submission from KA re 402 Macaulay Rd

Submission to Minister from from S Tait & J Liefman re 402 Macaulay