Draft Minutes July 2023

Minutes (Draft):July 3rd 2023

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.





Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Kensington Town Hall


House Keeping

·       Welcomed: Simon opened the meeting and paid his respects to the traditional owners of the land past, present and emerging.

·       Apologies: Geoff, Therese, Moira, Cr Leppert, Fran, David E, Kate, Tony

·       June meeting minutes were tabled.

Shiela and John endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

Business arising from the minutes

·      No matters for follow up

Correspondence In:

·      CoM confirmed that the Association was successful in its Smarty Grant application. The Association submitted an application for funding to help with social media so as to better connect with residents.

Correspondence Out:

·      No matters out


General Business & Reports

 Treasurer’s Report

·      No significant outflows of note for the month of June. Main inflows were receipt of CoM grant ($1,000) and interest for the month.

Membership Secretary’s Report

·      No update on memberships – membership renewal campaign to be launched in June.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese

·      Carried to next month as Therese is away

PCCC – Therese

·      Carried to next month as Therese is away

 Open space report (submitted by John)

·      John’s June report was tabled

·      John highlighted the beauty of the trees

·      There were bags of litter – volunteers from Ellen Sandell’s office had been cleaning rubbish in the area

·      Jordy is following up on local bicycle issues – risk continues that there is no separation between pedestrians and cyclists

·      Litter trap – Melbourne Water indicated that most of the rubbish was leaf matter, hence less of an issue. The Association believes that this is not entirely true based on John’s pictures.

 West Gate Tunnel Project – (submitted by Fran)

·      Last meeting was on 15 June. Matters which association continues to enquire about are impact of trees removed from Kensington and also design of horseshoe bend cycling track. No update of trees and in relation to the design of horseshoe bend is that the recommendation from Association was adopted (to keep bridge which is heritage protected). Only issue is who is responsible for maintenance of the bridge.

 Kensington Community Network – Simon H

·      No significant updates to report on

 Kensington Reconciliation Action Group

·      Simon provided an update. He has agreed to have a kitchen table conversation on reconciliation and to come an ask questions. This was open to all residents.

·      Association acknowledged Kate’s work, which resulted in there being signage at Kensington Town Hall (in the room used by the Association) over the declaration of recognition and commitment aboriginal peoples.


Other follow up matters

·      No other matters raised


Matters from the meeting floor

·      We discussed how best to continue serving the community and structure of KA. Some options were: reducing volume of meetings, having revolving executive members, devising meeting schedule that would make it easy for resident to join, specific areas of focus

Action – Simon and Maritza to review constitution to understand what flexibility we have to change frequency and structure of meetings and also what recommendations we have for way forward

 ·      Simon indicated he was meeting with Mel from CoM in the coming week. He indicated that a matter raised would be how best to connect with renters as opposed to just residents and also if there was some benefit in hiring an admin person to help with the social media platforms


Next meeting

·       Next meeting will be held on 7 August at Kensington Town Hall.


  • Guests: No guests

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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