Draft Minutes February 2023

Minutes (Draft):February 6th 2023

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes




Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Moira Yffer

Kensington Town Hall











 Apologies: JW, David E, Fran, Kate.

Attendance …. Digby Drew, Therese, Geoff, Maritza, Tony, Dennis, Nicky, Moira, Simon

Minutes of November 2022 meeting accepted – Geoff, Therese.

Simon welcomed Digby to his first KA meeting.

Business Arising

Request to follow up bridge collisions on Racecourse Road – ie trucks getting stuck – we will confer with Ellen who is attending next KA meeting.

 General Business

Treasurer’s Report –

Maritza – Following up admin grants for KA

Tony has booked KA monthly meetings at Kensington Town Hall – Maritza needs to arrange payment (as new treasurer) but doesn’t yet have full access to accounts including credit card.  Tony reported he has been aware of several instances of people trying to access the credit card – by scamming – passed on the need to be mindful of this. 

Simon thanked Tony for his years of being treasurer and Maritza for taking over the role.

Simon will hold the KA membership list going forward with Maritza managing membership payments. 

Melbourne Metro Rail

Therese.  Not too much to report. 

Many trucks coming and going; free parking permits have been offered to nearby residents for an additional year; still working on the forecourt – slow progress;  Dennis thanked Therese for following up and obtaining better access to and from the station as it was dark, winding and isolated thoroughfare – better lighting now and not so winding – with surrounding walls more transparent. 

Discussion about what is happening with the widening of South Kensington Station in future as this should be possible after the new train lines have been completed and the current ones become redundant.  But should be in the planning now.  KA will refer to Ellen for feedback at next meeting.

PCCC – Therese. 

Issues reported in relation to entertainment venues being situated within residential apartments – ie on street level – and causing nightly disturbance to residents.  Alert Ellen to this issue in relation to the tenancies on the ground-floors of new apartments currently being built or planned in Kensington eg Vision Australia, Younghusband.  

Moonee Ponds Creek Report – John Widmer – attached. 

Nicki reported that there is lot of litter collecting near the temporary bridges downstream on the Creek.

West Gate Tunnel – there has not been a meeting. 

Discussion about the major impact on local traffic from recent Footscray and Dynon Road closures and that only 3 weeks notice needs to be given.  Decided to ask Ellen to advocate for more notice to be given and improve communication about these – not enough to say residents and businesses need to keep checking on relevant websites.

Chairperson’s Report

Simon sought advice about how best to flag in local newsletters that his chairpersonship is ending at next AGM and we need a new chair – as well as minutes secretary.  It was agreed to emphasise the achievements of the KA, reiterate its purpose and importance and seek new input from locals in terms of commitment/office bearers

He advised he has heard rumours reported of a new level crossing planned for Kensington Station – decided to seek feedback from Ellen. 

Action next meeting:  to review all subcommitees’  relevance to KA.

Other Matters

David E attended a flood feedback meeting – no feedback received yet; It was encouraged that consultation with Sheila about flooding would be useful and she has much knowledge about this subject. 

Eric Keys is writing an article about the recent floods for Flem/Ken News .. asked for any KA perspectives. 

Simon and Kate attended a meeting of KRAG – Kensington Reconciliation Action Group.  Discussion took place about the relevance of the current honour boards in the TH meeting room and whether an update, rethink needs to occur.  A petition regarding this has been posted on the wall of the meeting room and a meeting to discuss further is scheduled.

Simon notified meeting of a 1 hour lecture on 21st February 6pm – 7pm on Wurundjeri history if anyone is interested  – he will be attending. 

Future Melbourne Meetings

Suggested (by Sheila in the past) that it would be useful to regularly attend Future Melbourne Meetings to keep up with what is going on/being planned.  It was agreed this would be useful and possibly a FMC report included in regular KA meetings.

Next Meeting

Monday March 6th.  Ellen Sandell is the guest.


To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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