Draft Minutes October 2022

Minutes (Draft):October 3rd 2022

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes


Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: David Ettershank

Location: Zoom 7:30pm


KA October 2022

Monday, 3 October 2022

6:51 PM

Simon, Nikki, Therese, Kate Kennedy, David E.

Apologies – Tony C, Geoff Cox, Moira, Maritza


Consideration of correspondence from Kate Kennedy regarding the ANA Boards in the conference room of the town hall.

Endorsed in principle and recommended that it be raised with councillors at the Future Melbourne Ctee meeting on October 18th.




· Letter from Rebecca Thistleton  ALP candidate for seat of Melbourne wanting to get together with the Exec for a chat. Simon to organise and circulate to Exec members

· David Frazer – member of the click collective (ex Younghusbands) suggested that Flour Mills will be moving to Ballarat.  Simon to follow up

· Tim Bradbury – (Local) developer of the VA site wishes to meet – meeting to be organised for 10/10/22


South Kensington Station – proposing to close the station forecourt area for 6 months to do refurbishments.

Raise at the Future Melbourne Ctee meeting on 18/10/22


Kensington Community Network

· Transition Town Kensington – Jacqui VH – setting up the Kensington Fresh Food Market in Skinny Park (Bellair Street Reserve) starting on 5/11/22.

· Repair Hub – due to high demand – setting up bike specific workshops at the Bill Vanina Pavilion in Holland Park

· Neighbourhood House joining the Garage Sale Trail 20/11/22


Meet the Candidates meeting 27/10/22

Limit catering to light snacks

Kate checking out hall AV system

Therese to ask Matt Hammond if he can do sound.

Get access from 6 PM for 7 PM start.

Next Meeting November 7th



To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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