Draft Minutes July 2022

Minutes (Draft): July 4th 2022

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes


Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Maritza Araneda

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda/Simon Harvey

Location: Zoom meeting – 7:30pm


House Keeping

·       Welcomed: Maritza (as acting Chair of the meeting) opened the meeting and paid her respects to the traditional owners of the land past, present and emerging.

    Apologies: Moira, Cr Leppert, John W, Dennis

  June meeting minutes were tabled.

Therese and Tony endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed and were formally accepted.

 ·       Correspondence In:

–       Email from Desley Renton from Renton and Co in relation to community information session at the Town Hall tomorrow at 7pm, in relation to the Young & Husband (YH) development

–         Correspondence Out:

–       Letter to Stephen Alomas thanks for his work


General Business & Reports

Treasurer’s Report

·      As a report on May results were not provided at the previous meeting, Tony provided an overview. No significant transactions (inflows or outflows) of note.

·      Tony provided an overview of the 30 June year end results.

·      Members discussed the $4,000 raised to deal with Metro Tunnel and what we would do with the remaining funds

Membership Secretary’s Report

·      Tony provided an update on membership numbers. An additional 48 members had renewed during the period. He added that this result included 2 new members.  


Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese F

·      Questions on traffic continued to be raised. In particular, Childers Street remained unsafe and was very busier. Derby Street was much quieter.

·      Therese explained what happens next. In November they are due to put in signalling of the railway end.

·      Road dividers had been taken out and have not been replaced. This needs to be raised as an issue.

·      Freight noise continued to be an issue as does the freight rail.


PCCC – Therese

·      Meeting discussed the effects of NANGS/vaping and increasing volume of cannisters (waste) in Carlton. Whilst the cannisters are recyclable, they continue to be dumped in local areas.

·      Tim Ford (MP for Brunswick) attended the meeting.

·      To tackle the increasing problem, some places in Carlton are no longer selling these products and don’t seem to have suffered commercially.

 West Gate Tunnel Project – Fran

·      Fran provided an overview of our involvement (4 years)

·      This continues to be a frustrating process as it still feels like a PR exercise as opposed to an avenue for residents to provide feedback/input.

·      As a result of this a joint letter co-signed by reps from Kensington Association, North/West and Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek was formally submitted.

·      Issues continue to be:

·      Traffic: additional 10,000 residents are expected yet there is no traffic mitigation. $100m was allocated into traffic mitigation by the Minister but there is no transparency as to where this money will be spent, including what would be allocated to Kensington.

·      Design of the ‘horseshoe’ bend: we continue to ask why it was the taskforce was not considering the change which was put forward by the builder and endorsed by CoM and the community.

·      Commitment on trees: it was understood that for every tree removed in Kensington, another 4 would be planted. However, as there is no definition of what a tree is, the view is that they are claiming that certain trees removed are not “trees”. In addition, it was not clear from CoM that the replacement trees would not be planted in Kensington.

·      Sound proofing from freight/rail not yet resolved.


Moonee Ponds Creek (MPC) report (submitted by John)

·      John’s June report was tabled

·      It highlighted that CoM continued to promote MPC as “open space” for the Hardiman precinct, yet haven’t helped maintained it

·      This month he noted there was evidence that cleaning was taking place, yet this was inconsistent and cleaning doesn’t take place periodically

·      Melbourne Water reported that the litter reported was substantially organic matter, which he disagreed with the team.

Kensington Community Network – Simon H

·      There haven’t been any meetings recently and as such nothing to report.

Chairperson’s Report – Simon H

·      Not presented given Simon’s illness.


Other follow up matters

·      Meet the candidates – committee discussed the need to start thinking about when we would hold this event (usually 4 weeks from election on a separate night). We discussed potentially having a joint event with North/West Melbourne and Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek.

·      AGM – it was decided that this would be held in September


Matters from the meeting floor

·      Future Melbourne – Shiela provided an update on what was discussed at the June meeting held at the Meat Market.

·      Newsletter – Tony put to the floor on what we could do to ensure the Newsletter was distributed more broadly. He also indicated he was looking into how best to implement digital receipts for membership payments.

·      Traffic – Sheila indicated that rat running continued and as such, CoM needed to ensure that this was being monitored.

·      Skinny park – timing and use was discussed.

·      Graffiti – CoM have an initiative where residents could take a photo of graffiti and report it. Because of this initiative, more graffiti was being removed much quicker.

·      Young & Husband development – community information session would be held the following week (Monday 18th July). Given the Arts precinct would now be gone, community was interested in knowing what would replace it.

Action – Simon to provide details of meeting in the Newsletter to ensure we gave resident opportunity to attend and ask their questions.



Next meeting

·       Next meeting will be held on 1 August on Zoom

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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