Draft Minutes October 2021 AGM

Minutes (Draft): October 4th 2021 AGM

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes


Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Zoom 7:30pm


House Keeping

  • Welcomed: Simon opened the meeting and acknowledged the traditional owners of the land and paid his respects

  • Apologies: Cr Leppert, Denis Kennedy, John Widmer

  • 2020 AGM (5th October) meeting minutes were tabled. Maritza and Therese endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

  • Correspondence In: letter from Evan Tattersall (to be reviewed and actioned by Therese and Denise), letter from Steven Chuah in relation to traffic (to be addressed during meeting) and letter from Stephen Aromas in relation to flooding (to be addressed during meeting) 

  • Correspondence Out: nothing of significance. Just responses to comments/ questions on email.


General Business & Reports

Treasurer’s Report

  • Tony tabled the financial statements and noted no significant transactions (inflows or outflows) for the month.
  • Overall, there was a net surplus of $50 for period.
  • Inflows of $571 for the month, comprised primarily of membership renewals of $460. Outflows of $521, comprised primarily of public liability insurance of $511.

Report was received and confirmed by Therese and Geoff

Membership Secretary’s Report

  • 96 paid members (23 individuals and 76 families) in relation to period to 30 June 2021 – membership numbers slightly lower.

Report was received and confirmed by Therese and Geoff

As is usual practice at the AGM, all other matters and standing reports were carried over to the next month.

Chairperson’s Report – Simon H

  • Simon tabled his report for the year. Full report will be posted on the website. A summary is as follows:

  • Simon greeted everyone who was joining us online at our AGM and thanked all residents who have been active and contributed (in mind, body, and spirit) to the Association.
  • He also provided a summary of all our on-going projects and key achievements. These related to the Metro Rail Project, Moonee Ponds Creek and Public Open Space, Kensington Community Network, Westgate Tunnel Project, Kensington Recreation Centre Development.
  • Simon also provided an overview of the Association’s initiatives, being:
  • Kensington Association website
  • Grants from CoM
  • Liveability Working Group
  • In terms of community news and activity, he acknowledged that Covid 19 has severely challenged the ability to stage community activities. One exception was The Arts Show put on by Rotary that managed to go ahead between lockdowns and was of excellent quality and overall a fantastic community event. 
  • In the area of community actions and representations, he mentioned the Macaulay Structural Plan, ASSEMBLE developments (402-444 Macaulay Rd), Developments around Macaulay Road  
  • He then discussed the Association and what we would focus on in the future  
  • He finished by thanking all committee members of the Association and stalwart participators for their support during the year. Thanks also to Cr Rohan Leppert whose ongoing support and advice has been invaluable.

Report was received and confirmed. A motion was moved by Simon to accept the Chairman’s report. The motion was endorsed by Fran and Tony. 


Election of Officers, Steering Committee and Advisors

  • Rilke took over as Chair and declared all positions vacant.
  • Nominations received and persons elected:
  • Chairperson – Maritza and Fran nominated Simon Harvey, endorsed by Geoff. No other nominations received. Simon accepted the nomination and was elected unanimously.
  • Secretary – Simon Harvey nominated Maritza Araneda, endorsed by Moira. No other nominations received. Maritza accepted the nomination and was elected unanimously.
  • Treasurer – Therese and Liz nominated Tony Ceddia. No other nominations received. Tony accepted the nomination and was elected unanimously. Tony also accepted the role of Membership Secretary.
  • Vice Chair – No nominations. As per prior years the role will be filled/rotated as needed.
  • Non-executive Committee – Therese Fitzgerald, Fran Araneda, Rilke Muir


Matters from the meeting floor

Macaulay Arden plan

  • Simon read some correspondence received from Ellen on matters she had raised in Parliament, following our interactions. These included:
  • lack of affordability with proposed dwellings
  • no high school in the area 
  • built form density. 
  • We also discussed the fact that Moonee Ponds Creek doesn’t get adequate coverage. It is just mentioned and not prioritised, despite it being integral to open space. Also highlighted the fact that exhibition and consulting of the plan come at the same time

Action – next meeting we will commence process of putting a sub-committee to sub-divide and provide a response to the respective sections.

402 Macaulay Road development

  • Stuart (resident) drafted a letter with the matters impacting residents. Assemble have offered another session with the community. 
  • Residents indicated that parking was an area of concern as the development was proposing to minimise carparking spots.

Action – Simon will include comments on car park in the submission to be made by the Association in support of residents

  • Sheila indicated that there would be a zoom meeting in relation to the Thompson Street development on 7 October 2021 (another Assemble development)
  • Rilke raised two additional matters for the Association to consider:
  1. Look at how we can consider obtain further land and use of land
  2. Look at how we target/consider residents that live in apartments as they have very bespoke challenges

Other matters

  • Sheila indicated that we needed more manpower to challenge and stay on top of matters coming up in Future Melbourne Committees. For example, to understand the inundation and flooding in Kensington and changes coming in the heritage review. It is in the interest of existing residents and incoming residents through Arden Macaulay.
  • Fran agreed that we needed to stay on top of Future Melbourne Agenda

Action – Tony to review Future Melbourne Agenda to understand if there were any issues that the Association needed to stay on top of.

  • Sheila raised the CoM was doing a detailed heritage review and that we needed to stay on top of this.

  • Judith asked what the new priorities would be for council and what we should consider as being the areas we focus on.

Action – to discuss at our next meeting, which working groups we remain in and which new working groups we target.

  • Tony Put up motion to reimburse Simon $105 being half the cost of zoom, Therese and Maritza endorsed this.


Next meeting

  • Next meeting will be held on 8 November 2021 via Zoom


Attendees: Simon Harvey, Moira, Therese Fitzgerald, Geoff Cox, Rilke Muir, Jeannie Zakharov, Judith Hewitson, David Ettershank, Tony Ceddia, Liz, Fran Araneda, Maritza Araneda, Nikki Gaskell, John and Stuart 


To download a printable copy of the draft minutes or this meeting please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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