Draft Minutes September 2021

Minutes (Draft): September 6th 2021

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes




Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Zoom 7:30pm


House Keeping

·       Welcomed: Simon opened the meeting and paid his respects to the traditional owners of the land and welcomed Lucy Martinello who was attending for the first time.

·       Apologies: Fran Araneda, John Widmer, Moira Yffer


·       August meeting minutes were tabled and discussed:


The following changes were made to the minutes:

–       Correction to MMRP section of the report. Minutes refer to there not being any readings taken at night. Readings are being taken during the night but they are not being separated with the day readings (24 hour average) which distorts the results as they are smoothed out.

–       Correction to Section 6, in relation to the green bins which denoted that it was a State Government initiative. This has been amended as it was a Council initiative.

Assuming the above amendments are made, Therese and Nikki endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

·       Correspondence In:

–       Correspondence from Jordy Bradley, on behalf of Ellen Sandel. Correspondence was via an email, which indicated the questions that Ellen and her team were seeking to put to the Minister for Planning & Housing in relation to matters pertinent to Kensington. There was also follow up on questions raised by KA members at our last meeting.

Action: Simon to send to Maritza so that we could respond to Jordy.

·       Correspondence Out:

–       Nothing of significance



General Business & Reports


·      No visitors for September meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

·      No significant transactions (inflows or outflows) of note.

·      Inflows consisted of memberships received $200.

·      Outflows consisted of $512 for insurance and $35 for monthly storage.

·      The Association will apply for CoM Admin grant, which has increased to $2,000 (previously $1,500). The increase is welcomed as the previous grant didn’t cover all operating costs, which totalled approximately $1,770. Application closes on 13th September.

·      Treasurer enquired as to whether we were aware of additional costs that we should include in the application. It was agreed that we would include an estimate for expected future covid related costs.

Membership Secretary’s Report

·      Approximately 70% of existing members have renewed their membership, with about two-third of renewals using the new credit card facility which had facilitated the process.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese F

·      No significant updates and we were waiting on another public meeting.

·      Therese explained that it was clear that they were running late on Childers Road reopening.

·      Noise continues to be a challenge as hammering continued.

PCCC – Therese

·      Next meeting will be this Friday and as such, no updates.

·      Main part of the meeting will be focused on how best to manage covid with public and police force.


Moonee Ponds Creek report

·      John’s report was tabled.

·      A number of matters were raised in his report:

–       Bamboo stakes (used for plantings) had been removed, which was an issue

–       Whilst it was positive to see cyclists, it was unsafe at times as there was no separate path for them or pedestrians.

·      Creek bed is managed by Melbourne Water, whilst Vic Track manages the green lands, which means that there is no consistent approach


West Gate Tunnel Project – Fran

·      Will be moved to next meeting as Fran was an apology for this meeting.


Kensington Community Network – Simon H

·      Nothing to report as there hasn’t been any more meetings.


Other follow up matters

·       Simon indicated that there had been some issues with the previous newsletter, due to Mailchimp issues which have now been sorted.

·       Communication had been received from Assemble in relation to 402 Macaulay Road. It explained what they were intending to do with the site. Some residents indicated that Assemble had delivered them their magazine.



Matters from the meeting floor

·       Residents discussed the land acquisition to create new open spaces, which was seen as a great success. Cr Leppert was congratulated for his efforts and support in making this possible.

·       Residents discussed the renovation of JJ Holland Playground, which was seen as a great success.

·       Younghusband development – Stage 1 masterplan has now been approved. Stage 2 involves a new development. A number of issues were raised by residents as being concerning: carparking, flooding in the area, heritage overlay not being respected. Cr Leppert indicated that this was going before Future Melbourne Committee and officers were reviewing the plans.  



Next meeting

·       Next meeting will be held on Monday 4th October via zoom.

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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