Draft Minutes August 2021

Minutes (Draft): August 2nd 2021

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes




Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Fran Araneda

Location: Kensington Town Hall



·       Simon opened the meeting and welcomed attendees. He also acknowledged traditional owners past and present.

·       Attendees: Simon Harvey, Fran Araneda, Moira Yffer, Therese Fitzgerald, Geoff Cox, Nikki Gaskell, Liz Forbes, Sheila Byard, Dennis Kennedy, Tony Ceddia, Ellen Sandell, Stuart Tait

·       Apologies: Rilke Muir, Maritza Araneda, Rohan Leppert, John Widmer


Guest Speaker: Ellen Sandell

·       General Update: Parliament is returning tomorrow from winter break; not much on the legislative agenda, with the focus largely on COVID related matters.

·       Focus for the Greens is on criminal justice – the rate of aboriginal kids and women on remand has doubled in the last couple of years.

·       Macaulay Structure Plan (MSP): Ellen acknowledged the community’s ongoing concern around the number of developments in Kensington and the amenity impact to existing residents (i.e. inadequate healthcare, education and social services to accommodate the new population). Ellen noted that the City of Melbourne (CoM) had committed $15m for upgrades to community facilities (gym and sporting facilities) and open space. She encouraged residents to contact CoM councillors and voice their concerns.

·       Question from the floor: What avenue is available to the community to oppose over development and the lack of community services to support these developments? Ellen responded that residents should keep putting pressure on CoM councillors; she will continue to agitate at the state level with respect to government funded services (i.e. public transport, hospitals and maternal services).

·       Moonee Ponds Creek (MPC): VPA is responsible for the MPC Strategic Opportunities Plan. A plan is also being finalised for capitalisation works (delayed because of COVID but expected soon). However, this will not necessarily fix issues around land ownership/management. The Transport Minister was recently asked questions around the bike path, drainage and vegetation. His reply was that this is being managed by CityLink and they’re doing a good job.

·       Question from the floor: How is the Strategic Opportunities Plan being funded? Ellen advised that this still hasn’t been confirmed but may get funded as part of the next CoM budget.

·       Noise Monitoring: Ellen asked for clarification on the issue. Therese responded that readings are not being done at night and monitoring is not done inside people’s houses; instead only a daily average is taken, which results in the ‘smoothing’ of results rather than highlighting the extent of the problem. Ellen commented that the new EPA Act is supposed to monitor noise levels (only came into effect in July). To be monitored over next 6 months to see whether this will make a difference.

·       South Kensington Station Upgrade: The Greens have been running a campaign on this for a long time, noting the Government missed an opportunity to address this as part of the Metro Rail works. The station received $1m a couple of years ago for maintenance but that won’t address the bigger issues. The Greens have just put in a request for costing through the budget office for an upgrade – still waiting to hear back.  

·       West Gate Tunnel: Fran provided Ellen with an update in relation to the proposed design change involving the realignment of the elevated veloway and bridge crossing over Footscray Road at the Moonee Ponds Creek Trail (known as ‘Bridge 75’). Ellen asked Fran to send an email to her office with the details.

·       Ellen thanked the Association for the opportunity to attend tonight’s meeting. She encouraged residents to contact her office if there’s anything else she can do.


House Keeping                                                             

·       July minutes were tabled. Moved by Therese and Geoff.

Outstanding Items

·       Therese reached out to Stephen in relation to his traffic/noise concerns associated with the Metro Tunnel Project. The next CLG meeting is not until September.

·       John reached out ahead of tonight’s meeting – there’s now a solar camera filming the litter traps; responsible entity is Melbourne Water.

·       Responses from Assemble in relation to the Barnett Street development are now on the website. Assemble is planning to meet with residents in mid-August.

Correspondence In

·       Email from the CoM in relation to Amendment C384 (updates to inundation overlays), which is being discussed at tomorrow’s Future Melbourne Committee Meeting.

·       Sheila commented that reports are very technical in nature and there’s a lot of relevant information that the Association needs to be across. She will be attending the FMCM tomorrow.

·       Email from Tamara Lowen (Senior Strategic Planner, CoM) in relation to the Association’s letter on the Macaulay Structure Plan, which is expected to be made public later this year.

·       Email from RIA in relation to the noise from hammering near the Metro Tunnel.

·       Correspondence with Diana

·       Letter from Minister Allan in response to our request for assistance in relation to the proposed design change to Bridge 75. The response was underwhelming (no decision has been made).

Correspondence Out

·       Letter to Tamara Lowen re the Macaulay Structural Plan.

·       Letter to Jordy Bradley re Ellen Sandell’s visit.


General Business & Reports

Treasurer and Membership Secretary’s Report Tony

·       Funds in: Memberships

·       Funds out: Credit card charges ($90 for this FY); Public liability insurance due in August.

·       Membership: Those who have paid to date represent 40% of last year’s members. Tony to send reminder in the next couple of days.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese

·       Childers Street is now partially open and parking is available for train passengers.

·       JJ Holland Park is now filled with kids – residents are struggling to find parking.

·       Works associated with the next part of the opening are expected to cause a lot of noise and disruption. Only have one month left before the diversions around Tennyson and Derby are removed.

·       Next CLG meeting is in September.

PCCC Report – Therese

·       Nothing new to report; next meeting is in late August.

Moonee Ponds Creek – Simon on behalf of John (report submitted ahead of meeting)

·       May plantings have been weeded.

·       No action taken on graffiti.

Community Liaison Group for West Gate Tunnel (WGT) Project – Fran

·       Nothing new to report other than the response from Minister Jacinta Allan.

Kensington Community Network – Simon

·       Report on the introduction of the Green bins (State Government initiative) from Ian Clark. Clarified Red/Yellow schedule and reasons for it; Green bins will be rolled out to apartments in Nov next year. Further 6 e-waste collection points to be established around CoM.

·       Doing ‘Echelon Planning’ on the future of the Community Festival.

·       Rec Centre will close at end of August; priority being given to the re-deployment of staff and finding other venues so that programs can continue.

·       Urban Forestry Team to replace old trees on the stock route – doing some consultation.

Chairman’s Report – Simon

·       Simon expressed frustration in relation to the MailChimp (MC) glitch; hoping that this will be resolved by the end August. When MC is back up Simon and Tony are planning to clean up the mailing list and send a further reminder to members about renewing their membership.

·       Assemble is planning further meetings with residents in Barnett Street.

·       Simon continues to look for other KA members to write articles on behalf of the Association for KFN and/or NWCN. Both coming out soon.

·       CoM meeting tomorrow (Aug 3rd). Flood overlays (Amendment C384) being discussed. The CoM has partnered with Melbourne Water to refresh flood modelling for a number of catchments in our municipality. If authorised, the Amendment will be publicly exhibited and notice given to people affected such as property owners, with submissions sought on the proposed changes.


Next Meeting: Monday 6th of September, 7:30-9:30pm


To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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