Draft Minutes June 7th 2021

Minutes (Draft):June 7th 2021

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes


Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Zoom meeting at 7:30pm


House Keeping

·       Welcomed: Simon opened the meeting and acknowledged the traditional owners

·       Apologies: John Widmer, David Ettershank

·       May meeting minutes were tabled. Moira, Therese and Geoff endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.


·       Correspondence In: three pieces of correspondence of note.

1)   Correspondence from Cullum Evans in relation to Young Husband development. He indicated that he was leaving and was handing this over. The project was still under development and still in stage 2.

2)   Correspondence received from the Department of Transport in relation to South Kensington Station in relation to our letter issued in November. Feedback was that they are doing what they can but nothing could be done to widen the platform but other measures would be assessed in future.

3)   Correspondence with David Morison, Senior Strategic Planner at City of Melbourne following our May 20th meeting.

Ask: Committee members to read the correspondence, which was sent prior to the meeting and provide feedback.


·       Correspondence Out: nothing of significance.


General Business & Reports


a)   Emma Telfer, Director of Culture and Strategy at Assemble

—   Emma provided details of her experience/background. She had recently joined Assemble after 3 years at the helm of Open House Melbourne, a public architecture organisation.

—   Emma also provided an overview of Assemble and their core values. In summary, Assemble exists to provide fairer, more financially accessible and better designed housing in Australia. Focus is on affordability, sustainability and community.

b)   Maggie McKeand, Communications Engagement Manager at Assemble

—   Maggie provided an overview of the 3 projects in Kensington, being those on 15 Thompson Street, 402 Macaulay Road and 393 Macaulay Road.

—   15 Thompson Street is Assemble’s second Assemble Futures community in Kensington.

Still in design phase, with construction aiming to finish by October 2023.

—   393 Macaulay Rd comprises 73 apartments over 8 levels.

Seven apartments have been made available to eligible key workers, receiving a 20% rental concession.

Construction expected to be completed in October 2021.

—   402 Macaulay Road is in the process of getting planning approval. The current plan is for this development to have 5 sites/towers, with an anticipated 364 dwellings over 5 sub communities with 20% social housing voluntarily provided in partnership with Housing Choices Australia.

c)    Andy Fergus, Head of Urban Design at Assemble

—   Andy provided an overview of the principles used and considered in relation to design of the respective projects.

—   Assemble is committing one of the buildings in the 402 Macaulay Road development a Cross Laminated Timber construction, as it continues to focus on reduction in embodied carbon across its projects.

—   Some initial ideas of retailers on the site include: barber, local/small supermarket, bakery. Given the high turnover of retailers at the moment – community consultation will be undertaken as the project progresses to ensure the retail strategy meets the needs of the day.  

·      Resident asked questions throughout the presentation, some of which were not answered and were included in the chat function.

Action: Fran to download the questions so as to provide to Assemble team who have agreed to provide answers.


The Ask: residents indicated that they felt like not enough community feedback/ involvement had been sought by Assemble. The Ask from residents is that further attempts be made to seek feedback and to involve them in the process.



Treasurer’s Report

·      No significant transactions (inflows or outflows) of note for the month. 88 cents of interest had been earned.


Membership Secretary’s Report

·      Email reminder to be sent to member during the month as membership renewal due on 1 July.


Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese

·      No significant updates. It is clear that they are rushing to have it finished.

·      Noise continues to be an issue. Coming from two different sources: the turnout and explosives/detonators, which are going off at all times, including very late at night. Residents and the Association, continuing to highlight these issues to relevant authorities.

·      Grass/plants have been planted on the embarkment.

PCCC – Therese

·      Nothing to report as meeting is not to next week.


Moonee Ponds Creek (MPC) Report – John

·      To be carried to next week due to time constraints.

Action: Simon to send John’s report to Committee members, to be separately reviewed.

West Gate Tunnel Project – Fran

·      There have been no further meetings, so no significant updates.

·      Only activity has been a call with certain panel members to discuss traffic data/ modelling for the area, with nothing concrete being agreed. The Association continues to believe that traffic volumes not adequately captured as no additional modelling has been done since the EIS was first released. Feedback has been that this exercise would not be best use of taxpayer funds but the Association is not seeking a new report, just confirmation that the assumptions originally made, still remain relevant and appropriate.

·      Fran confirmed that the Association had not yet heard from the Minister in relation to changes in the design. However, there were indications that this now has momentum and that they are considering the proposed amendments, which are a better outcome for community and residents.

Chairperson’s Report – Simon

·      Robert Menzies, Manager of Kensington Neighbourhood House (KNH) has resigned due to health concerns, with Rebecca Smith taking over.

·      Kensington Festival going ahead at the end of the year.


Matters from the meeting floor

Cr Leppert  provided an update on the Budget outcomes for Kensington.

·       Good news was that $40 million would be allocated to open space over 4 years in urban renewal areas including Macaulay (Kensington),

·       Also in the budget for 2021-22 is funding for the Stubbs Street pumping station and completing the Kensington Recreation Centre.

·       Moonee Ponds Creek didn’t receive specific funding because the VPA and Government need to deliver key projects; the VPA and Government are concluding a delivery plan for these.

·       Racecourse Road Plan being developed in conjunction with Moonee Valley, so as to address safety concerns.

·       New bike lane to be built on Macaulay Road from Eastwood to Arden Street in 2021-22. This will provide greater safety for cyclists.

·       Kensington Residents are receiving their garden and food-waste (organic) bins. If you haven’t you are in stage 2 of the rollout. The bin is lime green and 120Ltr. Recycling will go to fortnightly, but any resident can request a bigger recycling bin (240Ltr instead of 120Ltr) for free upon request.


Other follow up matters

·       No other matters discussed.


Next meeting   –  July 5th 2021 at Kensington Town Hall


To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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