Draft Minutes March 1st 2021

Minutes (Draft): March 1st 2021

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Draft Minutes

Kensington Association Minutes March 1st 2021


Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Moira Yffer

Location: Kensington Town Hall 7:30pm



House Keeping

Apologies: Geoff Cox, Fran, Maritza, David, Stephen Alomas

Present: Simon, Moira, Sheila, Therese, Rohan Leppert, Nikki, Tony, John W

Feb meeting minutes were tabled.  Amendments were made to item 4 … Ultralocal News to Hyperlocal News and Item 5 … Macaulay Rd Development.

Minutes then were passed .. Therese/Tony.

Correspondence In:

·       Outdoor dining – letter from Stephen Alomas re flooding in Bellair St as a result of outdoor dining.

·       Seafood – letter from Kensington banks residents re smells from businesses on Kensington Road – SH responded with support – suggested to keep KA posted.

·       Rankins Rd resident query about tree planting – SH responded

·       Update of IIG applications re Younghusband building – their application did not include any claim of KA support.

Correspondence Out:

·       Letter to engineer re mud on the road – SH

·       Letter re tree planting – SH

·       Letter to Rail Projects Victoria re legacy parking reductions – Dennis



General Business & Reports

Treasurer’s Report – Tony C – tabled

Membership Secretary’s Report – Tony C

·      One new members for the month. Moira … Newsletter membership!

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese

·      Issue continues to be loss of parking, which has not yet been addressed or acknowledged. There will be 65 less parking spots which will drive more cars into nearby streets. This will also impact station access. Dennis letter.

·      Working all night, hoped finish end of March.  More noise from freight … campaign?

·      On Zoom now, not so consultative.

·      Art discussion around station.

 Moonee Ponds Creek (MPC) Report – John

Tabled – clean up Aust Day…. 7th March at Bent Street

West Gate Tunnel Project – Fran

·      Fran in contact with Meg of NWCN re Westgate

Kensington Community Network – Simon H – No meeting this month



Other follow up matters

Chairperson’s Report – March 2021

Article in NWCN ……….. re history of KA, with significant help from founding and current member David Ettershank.  The article looks at where we have come from and where we are now.

·       Article in Flem/Ken News ….. coming out soon ….. ‘Macaulay Rd – A unique dilemma’.  Expressing my concern about future development along Macaulay Rd that I raised last KA meeting in February. (I will put on website)

·       Through Cr Leppert I have made contact with planner Andy Fergus who is advising ASSEMBLE on 402 Macaulay Rd (Webb warehouse). He is keeping me informed about this development.

·       I have subsequently met with Cr Rohan Leppert expressing my concern and looking for ways to raise the issue.  In summary Cr Leppert suggested that there could be a case to ask for a ‘precinct plan’ given the uniqueness of that stretch of road.

·       At the end of the Macaulay Structural Plan Consultation report it says –

‘In early-mid 2020 [I think that should read 2021], a draft Macaulay Structure Plan Refresh will be shared with the community and other stakeholders. The draft plan will provide greater detail and direction for the future of the neighbourhood. At this time, further feedback will be welcomed.’

[NB … Rohan Leppert corrected me … I was reading an old document!}

I am thinking about making a request for a ‘precinct plan’ to add to this feedback.

·       I am in regular contact with Meg from NWCN and Mary from Flem/Ken News. We have a regular spot in both papers and I would welcome some help in submitting articles about anything relevant to KA business and community issues.

·       Suggest next meeting invite new coordinator of KNH … Robert Menzies, and Marti Block who is running the food pantry there.

Simon Harvey



Matters from the meeting floor

·       Leaking water MaCracken St …. SH to follow up



Next meeting

·       Next meeting will be held on 12th April 2021 at Kensington Town Hall. – in order to avoid Easter Monday.



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