Draft Minutes November 9th, 2020

Minutes (Draft): November 9th, 2020

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes


Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Zoom meeting 7:30pm


Welcome and Introductions


House Keeping

·       Apologies: Cr Leppert, Moira Yffer, Fran Araneda, David E

·       September meeting minutes were tabled. Maritza A and Therese F endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

·       Correspondence In: letter received from the lawyers representing applicants for the Bruce Street development. Letter pertained to amendments to the application.

Action: Simon to review to determine if the Association would be providing a further response to application/amendments.

·       Correspondence Out: none this month.


General Business & Reports

Treasurer’s Report Tony C

·      Funds in: One membership renewal for $15.

·      Funds out: Fee for lodgement of the Association’s 2020 Financial Statements to Consumer Affairs of $59.

·      Tony C noted that we had not yet received word on whether we had been successful on our grant application. We should know by the end of the month. Value of grant is $1,550 and it is to cover operational expenses such as storage, admin fees and rental for use of Kensington Town Hall.

Membership Secretary’s Report – Tony C

·      Only one new member for the month. In total, we have 93 members.

PCCC – Therese F

·      Therese provided an update on matters discussed. Good news is that there has not been so many car burglaries. Likewise, not a lot of crime over the last few months, which was a positive.

·      Traffic patterns were also discussed. In particular, that residents were getting used to lower traffic levels but this was not expected to continue in light of restrictions being lifted.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese F

·      MMRP was in the final part of the project. Most of the heavy works expected to be completed by February.

·      There have been a number of residents who have re-located because of out of hours work. Some residents have elected to rent elsewhere and going away over the xmas period.  MMR have committed to pay for some of this.

·      Noise continues to be an issue, often 24/7. They are working very hard to get everything finished as quickly as possible.

·      Traffic flow continues to be an issue. There are more trucks in the area but it is not necessarily generated by MMR.

·      Haven’t heard anything more about the extension (for another 12 months) that was requested by MMRP. It is still being looked at.

·      Another community reference meeting will be held this month. One of the key matters expected to be discussed will be MMRP’s request for another 12 months in timing. They will need to prove that they need to be working for next 12 months as community/residents pushing for confirmation that it can’t be done earlier.

Kensington Community Network – Simon H

·      Still looking for candidate to take over from Carolyn Webster, who will be stepping down as the Kensington Neighbourhood House Manager

·      Art show going ahead in 2021

Young Husband Consultation Process – Simon H

·      Representatives from the Association met with representatives from Younghusband development on Thursday 5th November.

·      Key matters discussed in relation to Stage 2 were height and shadowing of buildings and traffic management in the area. Further details were sought on the shadowing and traffic calculations.

·      The Association challenged on whether this was a pre-sale process or if there was funding to continue to the project. IAG representatives indicated that this wasn’t just a pre-sale permitting process.

·      The Association sought confirmation that the integrity of the plans/designs that were agreed with the community, through the consultations would be retained if the project was sold.

·      Updates to information would be included in their website at https://www.younghusbandwoolstore.com.au/participate

Records Management – Tony C and Simon H

·      Simon provided an update on the process, which seeks to ensure all documents, records and communications are maintained electronically.

·      Action: Tony C to provide Nikki with documents, who will assist with the process.



Matters from the meeting floor

·       Simon H provided an update on the Council elections. Congratulations to our local councillor Rohan Leppert on being re-elected to the Melbourne City Council. He will be joined by a second Greens councillor, Olivia Ball. Congratulation to her also. All the best to Kensington’s Cathy Oke who has  retired from Council at this election; we wish her all the best!  Congratulations also to Sally Capp on being returned as Lord Mayor

·       Simon noted that we had been asked for volunteers on providing content for the local newspaper (Flem/Kem news).

·       The Association will be presenting our submission into the State Government’s inquiry into Environmental Infrastructure in an upcoming submission. More details to be provided in future meetings.


Other Business

·       Discussed our Xmas party. It was agreed that we would meet at 6:30 at the park outside Kensington Station (across from Rankins Road) on the 7th December.


Matters from the meeting floor


Next Meeting: Monday 7th of December



To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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