There are interesting plans afoot and the Kensington Association is a signatory to The Chain of Ponds collaboration group of stakeholders and community working together to facilitate positive change. The group is committed to collaborating to find lasting solutions to transform the Moonee Ponds Creek into an iconic waterway that provides high social and environmental benefits for Melbourne despite, or even because of diverse stakeholder interests and signed a  MPCCC MOU_Aug 2018 as part of a commitment to work together to improve the health of the creek, see MPC Chain of Ponds Collaboration

The project will take a whole-of-catchment approach to management of the creek, identify collaborative opportunities for the catchment and protect and enhance biodiversity, open spaces, habitat and biolinks along the creek corridor.

Collaboration partners include:

  • Melbourne Water
  • City of Melbourne
  • Moonee Valley City Council
  • Moreland City Council
  • Hume City Council
  • Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek
  • Friends of Upper Moonee Ponds Creek
  • Kensington Association
  • Living Colour Studio
  • Parks Victoria
  • Yarra Valley Water
  • Conservation Volunteers Australia
  • City West Water
  • Victorian Planning Authority
  • Moonee Bicycle Users Group

For more information contact: