Holland Park has been transformed through a partnership between Council and the community. After more than 10 years of work the Holland Park Master Plan has been completed.

A celebration of the completion of the Plan was organised by Council for Sunday May 25th at Midday in Holland Park at the Bill Vanina Sports Pavilion and a BBQ provided.

The rejuvenation of the park started with our campaign to rebuild and reopen the pool and evolved to a comprehensive plan in 2008 to redevelop Holland Park into the fantastic community asset that it is today. Throughout the process the Association has played a leading role, working closely with Council and a diverse range of stakeholders.
Attendance at the event reflected this and we also saw an energetic footy match – better than a chilly early morning visit to a training session to see these popular facilities in use.
There was also much reminiscing from Kensington locals about what the site used to be like and shared glee at what it has become.

Also popular on the day was a display at South Kensington Station – a unique Historical Rail Pop-up Museum at  hosted by the Regional Rail Lin City-Maribyrnong River project team. On display were images and artefacts that captured the 150 years of the railways through Melbourne’s inner west.