Activities Update – 402 Macaulay Rd

August 2021

Latest Activities
ACTIVITY: UPDATE – 402 Macaulay Rd August 2021
ACTIVITY: 402 Macaulay Rd 2021
ACTIVITY: Chairperson’s Report 2020
ACTIVITY: Environmental Infrastructure Submission

Development of 402 Macaulay Rd – August Update

Kensington Association –  Update of News on 402 Macaulay Rd

Since June of this year (2021) when the Kensington Association met with ASSEMBLE we have been plagued by lockdown restrictions. As reported earlier ASSEMBLE intended to meet with community members in mid-August but was not able to do so.

For those unfamiliar with the development a map and discussion about it appears in a previous post.

By clicking on the button below you csn access an email sent to Barnett Street neighbours from ASSEMBLE with more details of the development proposal and further consultation.

In addition two articles appearing in the Kensington Association column with North West City News – part 1 about different consultation issues, and part 2 specifically about consultation with ASSEMBLE

Assemble Letter

Consultation part 1

Consultation part 2

Other Activities

Consultation part 1

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