Activities Chairperson's Report 2021

AGM October 2021

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ACTIVITY: Chairperson’s Report 2021
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Activity Chairperson’s Report 2021

Kensington Association Annual General Meeting – October 4th 2021

Chairperson’s Report

Warm greetings to everyone joining us online for our AGM. We thought that 2020 was a ‘doosie’ of a year with many meetings, including our AGM, being online, but …… here we are again exactly one year on, having had what has been, in some ways, an even more challenging year. Many of you (if not all of you) have been active and consistent in your contributions (in mind, body, and spirit) to the Association, and I would like to register a big thank-you to everyone for that. It is not simple in this environment to keep our lives on track as well as do the volunteering we do, both for KA and for other causes and interests.

Ongoing projects

Metro Rail Project:- For another year the Rail Project in South Kensington has been a trial for surrounding residents, particularly in relation to noise from trains and trucks. Thanks in particular to Therese Fitzgerald, Stephen Chua, and Denis Kennedy who have kept us up to date with what was happening around various issues surrounding the work site, and were tireless in communicating with RIA and others in their attempts to resolve issues for the community.

Moonee Ponds Creek and Public Open Space:- Despite his recent absence from KA meetings (due to volunteering elsewhere) the redoubtable John Widmer has continued to report on the Creek (MPC) developments. Thanks John. It would be nice to report that there has been good progress on the MPC Strategic Opportunities Plan, but alas that is not the case. During various submissions and consultations during the year we have continued to advocate for quality Public Open Space and for funding to flow through to revival of the MPC corridor in the Kensington section between Racecourse Rd and Arden Street. However, it is very nice to report on some good news. Melbourne City quite recently announced the purchase of block of land immediately adjacent to MPC for Public Open Space and flood abatement. The land is of significant size at the Eastern end of Chelmsford Street. Given its position we hope it might catalyse further work on the Creek. A big thanks to Cr Rohan Leppert for his work in advocating for this very significant purchase. We hope it is the forerunner of other acquisitions as the implementation of the Arden and Macaulay Structural Plans progress.

Kensington Community Network:- As chairperson I have continued to attend the KCN meetings. Despite the very testing circumstances (Covid and change of leadership at the Kensington Community House) the KCN has continued to be a vital hub of connection, action and advocacy in the community.

Westgate Tunnel Project:- Again, a big thanks to Fran Araneda who has continued as KA representative on the liaison group for this project.

Kensington Recreation Centre Development:- Some more good news to report! The KRC development plans have been finalised and the ball is rolling. Construction will start this year and it is projected to be completed in 2023.

Kensington Association Initiatives

The Kensington Association website: the website has continued to develop incrementally with the continued support of Luis Barroso (Change Stuff). A big thank-you to him!  There is still work to do in relation to moving the site to another stage of utility for KA, but, as I said last year, we are well on the way. I’m sure that as we continue to up-skill and make use of some volunteer assistance, we will further improve our outreach and communication.

Grants from CoM: We continue to have administrative support from the City of Melbourne, but we were not successful with the Connected Communities Grant applied for last year. I was frankly not a surprised at all that we were unsuccessful given the call on funding support as a consequence of Covid.

The Liveability Working Group:  this was an initiative of mine (last year) which had the aim of helping us become more proactive. It’s fair to say that it has not yet ‘found its feet’. I nevertheless feel it is something worth keeping on ‘the drawing board’ as a possible way for more community members to become involved informally on specific issues that concern them and gain the imprimatur/endorsement of the Association.

Community News and Activity

Covid 19 has again severely challenged the ability to stage community activities. One exception was The Arts Show put on by Rotary that managed to go ahead between lockdowns. Like a similar event in 2019 it was of excellent quality and overall a fantastic community event. However the Kensington Community Festival was postponed once more and is in process of rethought and redesigned for 2022. Unfortunately the original Younghusband Building project has not been able to be revived by Impact Investment Group, and has been revamped and is currently on the market. During this year the Association has continued to write a column in the Flem/Ken News, and has also acquired a regular spot in the new monthly local paper the North West City News. These columns are potentially very effective ways in which the Association can connect with the community.

Community Actions and Representations

Macaulay Structural Plan:- The Association has continued to negotiate with CoM planners in relation the Macaulay Structural Plan. A big thank-you to all members who have been party to those negotiations and discussions.

ASSEMBLE development – 402-444 Macaulay Rd – in our June meeting representatives of ASSEMBLE gave a report to our meeting. There was lively community discussions about this very significant development. The discussions which have been limited on account of lockdowns are ongoing. Significant concerns were raised by residents in the adjacent Barnett Street. The Association is looking to support the residents in seeking any steps that might mitigate the impact or that development on the neighbourhood.

Developments around Macaulay Road – I am very concerned about the number and size of developments on sites between the two railway lines – the ASSEMBLE development being just one of many, but is a good illustration of problems in the precinct. In short, despite being a designed for a relatively community minded developer (ASSEMBLE), it has a similar height and bulk to all the other developments taking place in the area. When put together these (6+) developments in the area (with more to come) will have a very severe negative impact on the healthy functioning of the neighbourhood. The question I believe we must answer, is what can we – as a community organisation – do about this situation which is integral to our charter? If the answer ‘Nothing’ … because the developers are ‘following the guidelines’, or can we argue that the section of Macaulay Rd in question, is a special case?  Ref. ‘The Macaulay Dilemma’

As I said in my 2020 report ..  ‘a taste of some of the battles we have yet to fight to maintain the balance, openness and liveability [and character] of Kensington.’

Kensington Association into the future – recently I read some communication between members from 2016 – five long years ago – where they were asking ‘where to from here [for KA]?’ Without going into any details, I recommend that the Association would benefit from revisiting some of those basic questions and thoughts in the coming months – in short they were about .. our role, our effectiveness and viability, and the strength of our membership.


Finally, again, very sincere thanks to all committee members of the Association and stalwart participators for support during the year. Thanks also to Cr Rohan Leppert whose ongoing support and advice has been invaluable.

Simon Harvey (Chairperson) – 2020-21

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