Draft Minutes June 2022

Minutes (Draft): JUne 6th 2022

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes





Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute taker: Liz Forbes

Location: Conference Room, Kensington Town Hall, 7:30-9:30pm


Welcome & Introductions

·       Simon opened the meeting and welcomed all attendees. He also acknowledged traditional owners past and present.

·       Attendees: Simon Harvey, Therese Fitzgerald, Geoff Cox, Sheila Byard, Nikki Gaskell, Dennis Kennedy, Liz Forbes

·       Apologies: Maritza Araneda, Moira Yffer, Tony Ceddia, David Ettershank



House Keeping

·       Minutes of May 2022: Passed by Therese / Liz


·       Business arising:-

– The link to the walkability (traffic data and safety) initiative mentioned in the last newsletter and website is still active.

– Luke from CoM has not yet been contacted for more detail about the bike path proposal (Sheila).

– no reports of rat-running as a result of road closures for sewerage works.

– Dennis noted that CoM did not know about Melbourne Water’s sewerage works so that Henry St was closed at the same time as Bellair St.  Macaulay Rd works will leave no parking for the shops and require a bus detour for 6 days & nights. Simon to discuss in the newsletter but noted that CoM doesn’t put every closure on their website.


·       Correspondence in

– Steve Alomis sent a paper on liveability in Kensington.

– Rachel Abela regarding repair of wood fencing in Kensington Banks.

·       Correspondence out: 

Objection re. parking at 402 Macaulay Rd (Assemble).  Requested a precinct-wide parking assessment for Barnett St residents and commercial tenants in Macaulay Rd.



General Business & Reports

Treasurer’s Report & Membership – Tony

·       held over until Tony’s return in July.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese

·       Next stakeholder meeting will be on 4 June – to report in July

·       Trucks are still using Derby & Tennyson Sts to the industrial estate and returning via Childers St. Speed humps are needed.

·       There are illegal traffic crossings from Ormond to Childers Sts, presenting a safety issue for pedestrians.

·       The Kensington Rd lights are still favouring the turn into Childers St, now not required.

Community Liaison Group for Westgate Tunnel Project

·       No report, Maritza is away.

PCCC – Therese

No meeting this month.


Kensington Community Network – Sheila

·       A new neighbourhood planning framework is to be presented to Future Melbourne Committee on 14 June, followed by the launch of the Kensington neighbourhood portal shortly after.

·       Future Melbourne Committee meetings are now held in neighbourhoods and will be held in the Kensington Town Hall on October 18.  Details available at CoM – Getting involved in meetings.

·       The Women’s Peace Garden is undergoing work to renew the escarpment section in June and August.  Plants that have not thrived will be replaced with hardier species, compost added and the irrigation checked.

·       Jemena is offering community grants up to $10k for community groups, non-profit organisations, schools and charities working on sustainability, innovation, social inclusion or addressing disadvantage.  Applications close Sunday 3 July. (https://jemena.com.au/communitygrants.)


Chairperson’s Report – Simon

·       Simon & Therese met with Grey Star, developers of land between Robertson and Macaulay – which takes in an industrial area and adjoins an Assemble development.

·       Burnt building at 496 Macaulay Rd. Police are still investigating the fire.  There is no parking in the proposed development and 96 objections have been received.

·       Maggie Scott has offered to do our web management. Simon to follow up.

·       Simon proposed giving a letter of appreciation & thanks to Steven Alomas for his paper on a more liveable Kensington, which he is putting on the web. Motion approved Therese/Dennis.





Other Business

·       Young Husband development.  Nikki advised that the developer has applied for an amendment.  Nikki / Sheila to investigate.

·       Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek advised that builders of a bridge over the creek for the Westgate Tunnel have applied for a permit to remove an additional 80 trees for crane footings in a revegetated area.  A motion to support the FoMPC objections was passed Liz/Nikki.


Next Meeting – Tuesday 4th of July at 7.30pm by zoom

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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