Draft Minutes May 2022

Minutes (Draft): May 2th 2022

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes




Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Zoom meeting – 7:30pm


House Keeping

·       Welcomed: Simon opened the meeting and paid his respects to the traditional owners of the land past and present.

·       Apologies: Geoff, Moira, Cr Leppert, Fran, David E, John

·       April meeting minutes were tabled.

Therese and Tony endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

Business arising from the minutes

—   Simon commented that he added a link to walkability group/initiative in newsletter and will add to website

—   Simon to provide link to consultation process for bike path on our website

—   Simon to provide Luke’s details (from CoM) to Shiela so as to provide more specific feedback on bike path

—   Shiela ok to be added to walkability consultation group, provided timings worked

—   Denise Kennedy rang to enquire about the sewage works – there will be 5 days during which part of the road will be closed

Correspondence In:

–       Letter from Ellen Sandell, to represent the Association in an inquiry into Protections within the Victorian Planning Framework. Timing on which to provide feedback is June 2022.

The Association discussed how best to respond, with a view to provide very specific feedback on our recommendations.

Shiela noted that she reviewed the Futures Melbourne Meetings schedule and noted that they are not yet coming to Kensington. Shiela highlighted that now individuals are required to register.

Correspondence Out:

–       No correspondence out


General Business & Reports

Treasurer’s Report

·      No significant transactions (inflows or outflows) of note for the month of April or March. Two expenditures in March 1) registration of domain name for Kensington Association (for further 3 years) and 2) renewal of P.O Box. No transactions in April.

Membership Secretary’s Report

·      Some challenges with people paying memberships. Link not working and Tony reached out to Lewis, to fix.

·      No new memberships for the period. A note will go out to those that are on our list to encourage them to renew for FY22/23.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese F

·      Childers Street now open and there hasn’t been any rat running. Downside is that truck are still using the detour, so traffic still in the area

·      Another community reference meeting on 7th June – this matter will be raised

·      Not sure how traffic will be monitored as of yet and we will continue to highlight this and will see what will be done

·      Simon asked if there was anything we could do to support – nothing needed at this stage as we will raise the above mentioned issues

·      Only opened last Thursday, so we will provide a grace period

PCCC – Therese

·      Had a really good meeting last Friday. Community policing model they have now adopted means that there is a communities issues register in every police station. Most items are not police matters but everything needs to be written. This is positive as matters will be raised and passed on to other groups (such as Council).

·      In every regional police area, there will need to be a community reference group – similar to what PCCC do. This has been seen as a good model and will be put in to every region. Only challenge is that there will be another committee on top of other matters.

·      Good result as community has opportunity for more input and there is a higher possibility that matters raised will be addressed

·      James thanked Therese for her hard work on getting traction on this.

Moonee Ponds Creek (MPC) report (submitted by John)

·      John’s May report was tabled

·      John highlighted that trees were thriving

·      CoM has written to all residents offering to clean graffiti from their properties as it has worsened

·      FoMPC – continue to meet and monitor issues at the creek

·      The KA and NWMA jointly hosted our local member of Parliament (State) on an inspection two months ago to provide feedback on the state of the creek

·      Litter traps appear to be cleaned

West Gate Tunnel Project – (submitted by Fran)

·      After the WGT Authority’s initial refusal to change the design of the ‘horseshoe’ bend – a bridge that will cross MPC, we wrote to the Minister. Ellen also used question time to ask the Minister why it was not considering the change which was put forward by the builder and endorsed by CoM and the community. The Minister still hasn’t made a final decision but the builder is confident that the change will be approved. We’re expecting to hear back within the next 2 months.

·      No update on traffic mitigation plans. An additional 9k vehicles are expected in the North Melb area (numbers for Kensington have not been provided because none of the exit ramps are near us, however there is likely to be rat running as ppl avoid the tolls). The Department of Transport still hasn’t confirmed numbers. We’ve been pushing them to confirm mitigation plans. It doesn’t appear that they have anything concrete in place. They committed to come back to us later this year. The State Gov has provided funding to the CoM for mitigation plans.

Kensington Community Network – Simon H

·      There hasn’t been a meeting in the last month.

·      Repair hub is starting again in June – the hall behind the church (McCracken)

Chairperson’s Report – Simon H

Simon raised three matters:

1.    Process for KA to make representation to Inquiry (as noted above)

2.    Therese and Simon are meeting with Grey Star – developers of the land between Robertson and Macaulay – which takes on industrial area. Two development sites join (with Assemble). Will report back in next month

3.    Tony and Simon dealing with website and progress on getting help. Met Maggie and Gurav – had a good conversation. Will report back next month.



Other follow up matters

No other matters raised



Matters from the meeting floor

James wanted to highlight that he was happy to be involved in this group given the good work done by the Committee

James highlighted that traffic was an issue near Kensington Station


Next meeting

Next meeting will be held on 6th June at Kensington Town Hall.

Attendees at 2nd May meeting held at 7:30pm via Zoom

  • Therese, Simon (Chair), Tony (Treasurer and Membership), Maritza (Secretary), Liz, Sheila, James McInnes
  • Guests: No guests

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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