Draft Minutes July 5th 2021

Minutes (Draft): July 5th 2021

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Draft Minutes



Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Zoom 7:30pm


House Keeping

●      Welcomed: Simon opened the meeting and paid his respects to the traditional owners of the land. He also welcomed two community members; Cathy and Dion.


●      Apologies: Cr Leppert, Denis Kennedy, Moira Yffer, Tony Ceddia, John Widmer


●      June meeting minutes were tabled. Fran and Therese endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

●      Correspondence In:

–       Questions arising from our June meeting were formally answered by Maggie McKeand from Assemble

–       Correspondence from David Morison, City of Melbourne (CoM) representative advising the Association that he was leaving the department. Thanked us for the quality of our discussions and consultations with him. He will be replaced by Tamara Lowen.

–       Correspondence from Ellen Sandel’s office. Jordy Bradley will be replacing Yoey Maxwell as her assistant. He asked if we had any questions for Ellen in preparation for her visit to our August meeting.

–       Correspondence from Tamara Lowen offering to have another consultation session with residents.


●      Correspondence Out:

–       Response to Maggie McKeand from Assemble. Also asking for another opportunity to meet with residents who had further questions.

–       Response to David Morrison, thanking him for his contribution and wishing him all the best in his new role.



General Business & Reports


●     No visitors for July meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

●     No significant transactions (inflows or outflows) of note.

●     Inflows consisted of memberships received $475 ($280 credit card, $195 Direct debit), a donation of $180, KTH meeting Refund (due to COVD restrictions) of $25.43.

●     Outflows consisted of credit card admin fees of $10.92

●     The Association will apply for CoM Admin grant ($1550) when applications open.

Membership Secretary’s Report

●     Approximately one-third of 2020/21 members have renewed membership

●     A couple of new members have joined.

●     A reminder email will be sent mid July to get membership drive up.

 Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese F

●     No significant updates. Discussions have been about how to restore Childers Street and improve the amenity of the area for residents. Some of the gardening has started.

●     Focus seems to be on making it “half nice”.

●     Still haven’t finished the escape hatch, which will take some time. Most of physical work expected to be finished by end of August.

●     Residents continue to make complaints about noise, traffic and dust. There seems to be changes in personnel which makes it difficult to get responses on complaints or tangible actions.


Action: Therese to touch base with Stephen Chua on responses to the new noise complaint to see how the Association can assist.


PCCC – Therese

●     Therese explained the areas covered by the PCCC and how the community interacted with the PCCC.

●     Hooning was identified as an issue by Carlton residents, which also seems to be a common issue in other nearby areas.

●     Therese made an observation/questioned how Policing will evolve in an apartment centric community. In particular, as there will be 25,000 new residents in the area as a result of Arden/Macaulay. PCCC took question/comment on notice and will report back on this.

●     Next meeting will be in August.

 Moonee Ponds Creek report

●     John’s report was tabled.

●     There was planting last week and significant growth due to the recent rain.

●     Graffiti continues to be an issue and Transurban continues to be slow to clean it up.

●     Pictures of the litter traps were tabled and members discussed whether there was a need to clean more frequently than monthly.

 Action: Simon to discuss with John how we can highlight the issue on the cleaning of traps and who this should be directed to.

 West Gate Tunnel Project – Fran

●     Nothing to report as meetings happen bi-monthly. Next meeting is 14th July.

●     Only update is that a contractor has been appointed to handle the contaminated soil.

●     Still have not received a response/correspondence from the Minister following the Association’s request to the updated design on Velodrome (for bikes).

●     The Association continues to ask about traffic data in the area.

 Kensington Community Network – Simon H

●     Nothing to report as there hasn’t been any more meetings.

 Chairperson’s Report – Simon H

●     Concerns about the disturbance around the Metro Tunnel entrance continues. Stephen Chua, local resident, was doing a great job in communicating with RIA. New humming noise was very disturbing.

●     Recent communication from Tamara Lowen didn’t respond to all of our concerns/questions but she did offer further consultation if deemed necessary by residents.

●     July Newsletter has been delayed due to issues with Mailchimp. We are working on this and expect it to be issued shortly.

●     Attempting to rationalise/update the subscriber/mailing list on Mailchimp so that we are clear on who we are communicating to.

●     Succession planning – looking for a new Treasurer and Chair next year. Tony will do a new post in the coming month.

●     There is some doubt about Ellen being able to attend our next meeting.


Other follow up matters

Action: Simon tabled a draft KA response to Tamara Lowen as a follow up to her latest communication, indicating our ongoing concern that the draft built form controls within the Macaulay Structural Plan needed further work and we would welcome further conversations on certain conditions. Simon will forward the response to Tamara.

●     Assemble presentation from June meeting

–       Residents discussed their responses and noted that not all of the questions/ concerns raised were addressed. In particular, Sheila noted that our questions in relation to flooding were not addressed/glossed over.

 Action: Sheila to pass on specific questions/concerns to Maritza, who will follow up with Assemble


●     Residents discussed Ellen’s visit and matters to be raised with her. The matters agreed were as follows:

–       potential legislative changes to formally monitor matters such as noise levels (through hooning)

–       assistance/recommendations on how we can pressure for Moonee Ponds Creek to receive funding. Whilst the Arden Macaulay plan had great initiatives, it remained un funded and hence unlikely anything would be done

–       how amenities/social services will be funded/prioritised given the expected increase in residents through Arden Macaulay plan

 Action: Simon to pass on these matters to Jordy Bradley as matters of interest in the community to be raised to Ellen.


●     Succession planning was discussed and level of interest in vacant positions to be open at our next AGM. In light of the number of apologies, timing of AGM was discussed and if we had enough time to plan/organise.


Maritza moved to have the AGM moved to October. This was seconded by Fran. No objections were received in relation to this motion.



Matters from the meeting floor

●      Responses from Assemble were shared and discussed with residents

Action: Simon to post all responses on website


●      Residents (on Hardiman Street) have raised concerns around the demolition work on Macaulay Road (old tyre shop). The Association will continue to monitor and will seek to understand if the Association should also make a submission.



Next meeting

●      Next meeting will be held on 2nd August 2021 at Kensington Town Hall.


Attendees at 5th July meeting held at 7:30pm at Kensington Town Hall:


  • Therese (Covid officer), Geoff, Simon (Chair), Liz, Maritza (Secretary), Fran, Dion, Cathy and Sheila.

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


Other Minutes

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