Newsletter JUNE 2021

Latest Newsletter JUNE 2021

To download a printable copy of the latest Newsletter, please click on the link below.



Kensington Association Newsletter

June 2021

Dear readers, winter is with us, as is the ‘the winter of our discontent’ … aka ‘Lockdown’!  Snuggle down and button up the woollies, this year is developing to be another ‘humdinger’. Hopefully 2020 and 2021 will go down in history as the years that we grew up and learnt to prepare for the future. Unfortunately some of us are slow to learn!  No, I’m not talking about the jab-laggards, I think the ‘penny has dropped’ in that respect!

 News Update

 Metro Tunnel

The saga for residents around the Metro Tunnel entrance continues. Not only is the ‘rail turnout’ noise still unresolved (although the noise monitoring results must now be available), but residents near the tracks are having to cope with warning detonators set off by trains as they approach maintenance workers on the track; all very well if the rail is in the middle of the bush, but after dark near residences, every time a train passes. Can you imagine trying to sleep!!? Totally ridiculous. This, together with the loss of parking issue, make one reflect on all the (often) hidden downsides felt by those living in the vicinity of big infrastructure projects.

June meeting …. SOON!!

The Kensington Association June meeting (June 7th) features a visit (postponed from May meeting) by Andy Fergus who works for ASSEMBLE the developers of three different sites around Macaulay Rd. He and his colleagues will be passing on up to date information on their work and the ASSEMBLE development model. For any members (readers) who live in Barnett St and back onto the 402 Macaulay Rd (Webb warehouse) block, this should be a very interesting session, and a chance to ask questions to Andy et al about the development.

Macaulay Structural Plan (MSP)

KA members met with City of Melbourne planners on May 20th to hear their response to KA 2020 submission on the Macaulay Structural Plan Refresh. Our discussions focussed on new ‘built form controls’ that are part of the MSP. While it was useful to gain further insight into some of the options that might open up with the new controls, our other concerns about development in the Macaulay precinct – particularly traffic and population – were not allayed. Perhaps too much to expect from one short meeting. So the conversations and tussles continue!

 Kensington Community Network & Kensington-North Melbourne News – via Melanie Del Monaco

The City of Melbourne ‘economic development strategy’ is available for comment. Visit

View many other items being discussed at Council including the Council Plan for 2021-2025 by visiting –

The City Council is introducing a new food-garden-waste (pink) bin for houses and single-storey apartment blocks, for more details visit

Check out the ‘Kensington Repair Hub’ on Facebook. It is a community initiative focussed on offering repairs, teaching/sharing repair skills and providing a workspace and tools for locals to repair.

Kensington Association Memberships – a message from our executive:-

Another year has passed, and annual memberships become due again on 1 July.

And what a year it has been!  COVID, planning issues, new developments come and gone, unresolved issues and on it goes.  But hope, positivity and enthusiasm are forever.  There is no place for passivity, humdrum opinions or pessimistic views within the Kensington community! 

Kensington Association has been at the forefront striving to protect our unique environment and to achieve a better outcome for all residents.  We also need new voices to strengthen and articulate our vision for change relevant not only for today’s Kensington but also for that of tomorrow and the longer term. 

So please help us move forward by not only renewing your membership but by enlisting your neighbours and/or friends to become members and maybe to join us at our monthly meetings either as committee members or simply as contributors to issues that arise.  For KA to be effective, we need a wide and diverse range of members to provide fresh ideas and to drive our vision for Kensington.

So I invite you to please renew your membership and to ask that neighbour and/or friend of yours to consider joining at:

Membership fees have not changed with a credit card payment option now also available in addition to Direct Debit payments.  Cash payments can be made on the night of our monthly meetings. 

To make a comment or ask about any of the above issues please drop me a line.  AND …. If you are not a member of KA …. Please go to our website and support our work by either joining KA or making a donation …. We do important work, much of it behind the scenes on your behalf!

 Kensington Association Meeting – Next Meeting – June 7th – 7.30

Via Zoom – see invitation below

Simon Harvey (Chairperson) –

Topic: Kensington Association

Time: Jun 7, 2021 19:30 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 846 8120 4815

Passcode: 342004

Postponed from the May meeting

Special Guest – Andy Fergus, Urban Designer for ‘Assemble’, developers of 402 Macaulay Rd, 393 Macaulay Rd, and 15 Thompson St.



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