Draft Minutes April 12th 2021

Minutes (Draft): April 12th 2021

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Draft Minutes

Kensington Association Minutes April 12th 2021


Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Kensington Town Hall 7:30pm


House Keeping

·       Welcomed: Simon opened the meeting and acknowledged the traditional owners


·       Apologies: Cr Leppert, Tony Cedia, Fran Araneda, John Widmer


·       March meeting minutes were tabled. Moira and Therese endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

·       Correspondence In: letter from Evan Tattersall (to be reviewed and actioned by Therese and Denise), letter from Steven Chuah in relation to traffic (to be addressed during meeting) and letter from Stephen Aromas in relation to flooding (to be addressed during meeting)


·       Correspondence Out: nothing of significance. Just responses to comments/ questions on email.



General Business & Reports


a)   Robert Menzies, Manager of Kensington Neighbourhood House (KNH)

—   Robert provided the Committee with details of his experience/background, which includes over 35 years in the community sector and has held various CEO roles.

—   He would like to seek direction from the community on how best he can service us and emphasised that he has an open door policy.

—   He asked that we seek input from members/community on how the KNH could best support the community (i.e. continue doing or do differently) and how he could interact with the Kensington Association.

—   One of the key aspects discussed was how the services provided by KNH could best support seniors and older community members.


b)   Marti Block, Esther and Dancha, Food Share Pantry at Kensington Neighbourhood House (KNH)

—   Marti introduced himself and his team and provided a history of the Food Share Pantry (FSP).

—   In particular, how this initiative had supported/safeguarded the community during COVID-19 and the support it provided those that had lost income and were facing homelessness.

—   Esther, who is the project co-ordinator, provided some lived experiences and why she was involved in the project/was so passionate about this initiative

—   Esther ran through a presentation which detailed and explained the project. It is effectively a built in pantry on McCracken Street (89 McCracken St), which provides free food and essential products to those who are in need.

—   They have nearly tripled in size and the need continues to increase. Approximately 400 items are being taken each week.

—   The Ask: can we please spread the word and also donate items to the pantry. In particular, toiletries (shampoo, toilet paper, hand wash, sanitary products) and non perishable food products were of most demand.

—   In addition, they are always grateful of volunteers and help from the community so asked that we all get involved.

—   In interested to receive further details or get involved, can come to McCraken street or reach out via facebook. Can also contact them at: pantry@kenhouse.org.au

Treasurer’s Report

·      No significant transactions (inflows or outflows) of note for the month.

Membership Secretary’s Report

·      To be carried over to next month.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese F

·      Issue continues to be loss of parking (Childers Street), which has not yet been addressed or acknowledged. There will be 65 less parking spots which will drive more cars into nearby streets. This will also impact station access.

·      Biggest issue is around Hobsons Bay, as nothing else can be used. This consultation process has been delayed time after time and now it appears that it is too late.

·      Now seeking input from Minister as still not getting any information on parking or data on noise, which is also a concern to residents.


PCCC – Therese

·      Nothing was discussed from a Kensington perspective.

·      Group discussed hooning in Carlton (Lygon Street) and tactics on how best to deal with it.

Kensington Community Network – Simon H

·      Survey being conducted on post Covid needs. Survey period has now been extended and can be done via: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R2YVZ8B

·      Art show seemed to have been a great hit with the community. Excellent job and standard.

·      Report on Kensington Community Recreation Centre to be discussed at next KCN meeting. Project is expected to start at end of 2021.

·      Greening of Scarborough Place (off Stubbs Street) taking place.

·      Repair hub still looking for a venue. Please advise if you have any ideas.



Chairperson’s Report – Simon H

·      KA put in a detailed submission re Macaulay Structural Plan last October, asking for more consultation, particularly in relation to built form. David Morison (Chief Planner) contacted the Association asking to meet for further consultation.


Action: Simon to arrange date/time with David, Maritza and David E

·      In our next meeting, Andy Fergus had asked if he could visit. Andy is advising ASSEMBLE and would like to provide the community with progress on 402 Macaulay Road development.

·      Thank you to Therese for a lovely article on “pavements” for North/West News. If others have any ideas or are interested in writing an article for KFN or NWCN or both, please reach out.



Other follow up matters

·      The following matters were agreed:

–       Macaulay Structure Plan consultation to involve Maritza and David E

–       Legacy Parking- Metro Tunnel – to be covered at next meeting. Dennis to consider on how best to follow up.

–       Heavy traffic on Kensington – Simon to reach out to Steven Chua


Matters from the meeting floor

·       No other matters discussed.


Next meeting

·       Next meeting will be held on 3rd May 2021 at Kensington Town Hall.


To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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