Newsletter February 2021

Latest Newsletter February 2021

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Newsletter February 2021

Warm greetings to all readers. May the year 2021 be a good one for you!

The Association will meet in person for the first time since March 2nd 2020 (apart from our December party at the Kensington Station park)! It will be nice to connect properly, and have the greater nuance of expression from an ‘in the flesh’ meeting. On the other hand, It is going to be interesting (not just for KA) to see how much meeting goers miss the convenience of sitting at home and turning on a device. Clearly there are pros and cons for both meeting modes!

Kensington Association – February Meeting (face-to-face) – Kensington Town Hall

First Floor – Training Room – 7.30-9.00pm – Monday February 1st

  1. Special Covid Regulations and YMCA requirements. All attendees to KA meetings must register their QR Code before attending– (Please use this link) QR Code Register – Kensington Town Hall

News Update 

Macaulay Road action

Neighbours (and Macaulay Rd commuters) can hardly miss all the building activity on the south side of the road. Two different developers are building apartment buildings, one on the corner of Bent St and a second on the corner of Albermale St.  A third apartment complex on the corner of Stubbs and Macaulay – on the north side (replacing the old Vision Australia building) – is yet to commence. The Kensington Association is very concerned – amongst other things – with the impact on Macaulay Rd traffic, as if it isn’t already congested at peak times, particularly through Kensington village and over the Upfield railway line up to Boundary Road. BUT … it doesn’t end there! The large land holding, at present occupied by the Web warehouse on the northern side of Macaulay Rd, is projected to have construction start in April. In addition the Industrial Estate (which includes the Prosegur precinct) on the north side, and the Superior Tires business on the south side are both ripe for development, and are reputed to be at a similar planning stage to the Web property. Residential development on all these sites (and potentially others into the future) is clearly a recipe for gridlock. Strong planning intervention is required to protect the liveability of the area.

Hyperlocal News

As I reported in November the Hyperlocal News group, (who publish the monthly ‘CBD News, Dockland News, and Southbank News) are planning to publish a North West edition of their paper. The first edition will appear in mid-February. I am confident this will make a valuable contribution to the connectedness and vitality of our community.

Simon Harvey (Chairperson) –


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