Newsletter November 2020

Latest Newsletter November 2020

To download a printable copy of the latest Newsletter, please click on the link below.



Newsletter November 2020

Warm greetings to all community members

 As we all begin to breathe a sigh of relief from the hard lockdown, we at the Kensington Association wish everyone the very best in rebuilding a sense of ‘control’ and ‘connection’ over those areas where they were lost – or were felt to be lost.

As far as this Newsletter is concerned I’ve sent out a number of single issue posts – Flyer of Hope, Community Alert, and the most recently an announcement that Carolyn Webster our wonderful Kensington Neighbourhood House Manager is moving on to other pastures; a call out to the community to see if there might be a community member who might be interested in taking on that very important role.

Interestingly, I have also received feedback that some readers like such single-issue Newsletters! I wonder if that is indicative of the busy-ness of our lives!? Too much info, too much to read, information overload, involvement overreach!?

This Newsletter will be brief, so hang in there and finish reading! Five news-bites.

  • Younghusband development in Elizabeth St (if you remember was suspended from Covid) are sharing their plans for a Stage 2 development with Kensington Association executive on Thursday at 6pm via Zoom.
  • The Association will be working together with Ellen Sandell and other community groups for a more substantial update to South Kensington station. Watch this space!
  • Congratulations to our local councillor Rohan Leppert on being re-elected to the Melbourne City Council. He will be joined by a second Greens councillor, Olivia Ball. Congratulation to her also. All the best to Kensington’s Cathy Oke who has retired from Council at this election; we wish her all the best!  Congratulations also to Sally Capp on being returned as Lord Mayor.
  • The Hyperlocal News group, (who publish the monthly ‘CBD News, Dockland News, and Southbank News) are planning to publish a North West edition of their paper. They are having discussions with Flem-Ken News and North & West Melbourne News.
  • The Association held its AGM in October with Ellen Sandell as visitor. We elected office holders for 2020=21 – Chairperson: Simon Harvey, Secretary: Maritza Araneda, and Treasurer: Tony Ceddia.

The Kensington Association Next Meeting – November 9th at 7.30pm

 As usual we postpone our November meeting to the second Monday in the month. It will again be via Zoom. Hopefully we can consider meeting ‘in the flesh’ again in the New Year. For members who wish attend the meeting, see the Zoom link below

Meeting ID: 831 9010 9993
Passcode: 715038

Best wishes

Simon Harvey

for The Kensington Association –


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