Newsletter September 2020

Latest Newsletter September 2020

To download a printable copy of the latest Newsletter, please click on the link below.



Newsletter September 2020

Greetings to our readers

Spring is in the air!  For those who are not feeling any of that ‘spring feeling’ ….. what can I say?  Hang in there, you are doing well, the lockdown is hard for many, if you have contracted the virus, don’t be hard on yourself, it’s not your fault! I think there is a light around the corner ….. and maybe (as I said last month) … a silver lining. Actually, as many of you will have noticed as you take your daily walk, the gardens of Kenso are looking pretty ‘springy’ following the significant rainfall we have had.

Council Elections

As you are probably aware Melbourne City Council elections are happening in October, make sure you are able to assert your democratic right and enrol. If you look on the CoM website you will find details ( Nominations for councillors close towards the end of September, so I will endeavour to have some election content in our October Newsletter. The online enrolment form is at, or contact the VEC on 131832

Also if you know someone who needs an interpreter to help … steer them to 92800726

South Kensington Station
About a month ago we heard the great news that South Kensington station was going to have an upgrade as part of the Metro Tunnel Project. Our local member for Melbourne, Ellen Sandell, who has been campaigning for this to happen for at least 2 years, has said she hopes the issues will be fixed … so the station can finally be safe and accessible for the community it serves. As to what the ‘upgrade’ will be like is another question; for example, will the upgrade include widening of the platforms?  This has been clearly identified as one of the key safety issues. With J J Holland Park, significant residential housing, and the upgraded Kensington Community Centre on the doorstep of the station, the community must not rest until the station is properly upgraded. Those of us who have been in a position to contrast and compare provision of infrastructure between the East and West of Melbourne, will know that if a similar scenario existed in the East there would be no question that such and upgrade would be substantial. We must not let the Victorian Labour government get away with ‘window-dressing’ in relation to this important Western infrastructural project.  Keep up the pressure guys!

Kensington Association Impact Grant

We have put in an application for a special ‘Connected Community Grant’ from the City of Melbourne to help us (at KA) do what we do better. Now and again in this Newsletter I refer to the Kensington Community Network, which is a forum through which a wide range of Kensington community groups cooperate, share news about, and support community activities. We hope that with this Connected Community Grant we will be able to improve and extend how we connect and cooperate with the Kensington community; by the way it doesn’t stop at Racecourse Road, we are always looking to bridge that divide in different ways – it is after all purely an administrative line on a map, the folk on the North side of Racecourse road are not another breed (I don’t think ;-))!  Watch this space! Maybe I shouldn’t be telling you about this, because the grant is not yet confirmed!!?

Macaulay Structural Plan Refresh

Many or most of you will know that there is a consultation underway by the City of Melbourne about the Macaulay precinct. In the August Newsletter I reported about some of the issues that the Association has been interrogating. Hopefully some of you in the community found time to login to Participate Melbourne and join one of the discussion sessions. There is still opportunity for feedback into the consultation process – up until September 15th.

Trucks along Kensington Road

A number of residents have been complaining about the truck invasion along Kensington Road, making life rather unpleasant for residents. We are making inquiries about this. If anyone else has any insight or info to add on this topic, please drop me line.

For History Buffs

Our local Greens counsellor Rohan Leppart recently tweeted about a fascinating heritage review that he commissioned – take a look – the City of Melbourne has undertaken a review of over 100 heritage buildings in the CBD … follow links from Rohan’s tweet.

Kensington Association Membership

Yeeeeah!  We have finally added a credit card option when you join the Association. So easy now!  I know some of you have been waiting for this … haven’t you. Here it is once more.

Family ($20), Individual ($15), Concession ($10) and Organisation ($40)  At present our payment method options are:-

(1) Direct Debit (Kensington Association, Bendigo Bank, BSB 633000 Account: 150590735)

(2) by Credit Card

(3) You can also still pay in person by cash at any Association meeting.

Kensington Association Meetings.

You can find the minutes of our August meeting on the Association website.

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday October 5th.

Next Kensington Association Meeting is on Monday September 7th at 7.30 via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 8503 2912
Passcode: 521030

Best wishes

Simon Harvey

for The Kensington Association –


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