Newsletter August 2020

Latest Newsletter August 2020

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Newsletter August

Greetings to all readers

What a year it has been, and we are only just past the half way mark!

???? … it’s not easy to find an emoticon to encapsulate the complexity of our feelings at present! Perhaps our predicament is something we have to adjust to – complexity, confusion, uncertainty? However, I have raised the possibility of there being a ‘silver lining’ from the Covid confusion; what would a ‘silver lining’ look like in the City of Melbourne? The saying is – on a personal level – that a true test of character is how one copes with a crisis; what about a city? I think the same could be true for a city, not because of any quality of leadership or government, but because of the strength or character of a community. Perhaps a silver lining could be the discovery of strength and resilience we didn’t know we had – until now.

We have also – in case you didn’t know – the Council elections coming up soon – what surprises might they throw up. It’s in our hands – partly.

If you want to get a perspective on the ‘character’ of Kensington, hopefully you have had a ‘Flyer of Hope’ in your letter box – See it elsewhere on this site – it’s fabulous.

An idea by Jacqui Van Heerden, put together, printed, and distributed by Kensington Neighbourhood House – a wonderful example of community solidarity and a mustering of resources to support the community.

 Kensington Association Membership

The July Newsletter reminded you that the Association membership renewals are due.

If you have already renewed that’s great, thanks; if you haven’t yet, here are the details again:-

Family ($20), Individual ($15) and Concession ($10). At present our payment method options are:-

  • Direct Debit (Kensington Association, Bendigo Bank, BSB 633000 Account: 150590735) or
  • (2) by cheque mailed to The Treasurer, Kensington Association, PO Box 1208, Kensington VIC 3031.

(Credit Card option for payment is still in the pipeline J)

Please include name, address and contact details when renewing or joining.

Last Newsletter I reported on the formation of a ‘Liveability Working Group’. We have met twice in July and made good progress sorting out how we might more effectively make representations to government and the City of Melbourne on behalf of the community. At our next meeting on August 3rd David Morison will be attending, he is the Senior Strategic Planner at the City of Melbourne. He will address the meeting and answer questions. We are still looking for community members who might have knowledge and know-how in planning to help us to more effectively put our case on your behalf.

International Students

I wonder how many of Newsletter readers provide homestay or rent rooms to international students. Most recently a team of students lead by Fiona Darling (Community Engagement Officer at City of Melbourne) completed a research project exploring ways to build deeper understanding and connection, as well as share skills and experiences between the students and the residential communities in which they stay. Anyone who has any ideas about how to strengthen connections, or would like to know more about the research itself, please let me know. I believe many parts of Melbourne have taken the presence of international students for granted. Now that they have almost disappeared perhaps we are prompted to be more appreciative of the contribution they make to our community.

Questions to the City of Melbourne (CoM)

If readers recall, in the July Newsletter I reported on two questions put to CoM at the recent budget meeting on June 29th. I promised to report the replies this month. Here they are:-

In relation to the Macaulay Structural Plan …. it was noted that the new Structural Plan(s)  … ‘will provide new open spaces in both areas, by negotiation with land owners and through development contributions’…. we asked (Question 1).. what is the mechanism through which this will be done

The answer :-

  • Objective 13 (pp.56-57) in the Macaulay draft structure plan describes the proposed open space network for Macaulay and identifies how potential open spaces and public realm improvements can be delivered, including:

o   public open space contribution – which can be provided by way of land or cash contribution

o   capital works program

o   road closures

o   acquisition of land

o   utilising the flexibility of Floor Area Ratio controls.

  • Public Open Space contributions on private land are typically secured as part of planning permit assessment process. Further consideration of how public open space will be secured will be undertaken as the planning controls for the precinct are developed.  

Question 2 :- Given that the amount of public open space is closely connected to population density, to what extent is the committee remodelling their population predictions, and most importantly, how is this connected to planning for community infrastructure?”

The answer :-

  • City of Melbourne has commissioned a Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment, which is currently in development. This will examine demand for public open space in addition to other social infrastructure needs, in reference to forecast population growth. The final structure plan will be reviewed in reference to the outcomes of this assessment and feedback from this community engagement.

Comment :- hmmm …. Briefly (Q1) at least 5 specific things to hold them to. (Q2) Well .. watch this space I guess … ‘could the Lord Mayor please report on the Social Infrastructure Needs Assessment?’

Don’t forget you can access – and take any opportunity to have input into the planning process. The opportunity for input has been significantly extended.


For members wishing to attend Kensington Association meetings, they occur on the first Monday in each month, at present via Zoom. Next meeting is on August 3rd at 7.30pm.

Minutes of the June meeting and the agenda will be on the Association website on Sunday August 2nd.  Below is the login for the August meeting.


Simon Harvey is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9444 2762
Passcode: 336780

Best wishes, stay safe, wear your mask

Simon Harvey

for The Kensington Association –







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