Minutes: March 2nd, 2020

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.




Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Fran Araneda

Location: Main Hall, Kensington Town Hall, 7:30-9:30pm



·       Welcome: To existing and new members.

·       Apologies: Geoff, Rilke, Sheila, Peter, Dennis Kennedy, Councillor Jackie Watts.


House Keeping                                                             

Matters Arising

·       Minutes of the February meeting moved by John and endorsed by Therese.

·       The Mayor’s office is yet to respond to outstanding questions from last month’s meeting. Simon will follow this up with her office; responses to be tabled at the April meeting.

·       Chain of Ponds Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) has now been signed.

Correspondence In

·       West Gate Tunnel: Email from the West Gate Tunnel Authority (“WGTA”) providing an update on soil contamination (refer to General Business & Reports).

·       Queen Victoria Market: Following the lodgement of permit applications for a proposed $35 million investment in two new purpose-built trader facilities at the Queen Victoria Market, Heritage Victoria has now commenced the public notice period. To view the permit applications visit Heritage Victoria’s website: www.heritage.vic.gov.au/permits. Submissions close on 11th March 2020.

·       Heritage Design Guide: Council has developed two heritage guides to assist owners of heritage properties understand heritage planning and policy.

·       The first guide is primarily for owners, developers, architects and heritage consultants and focuses on the practical application of Melbourne Planning Scheme heritage policies introduced by Amendment C258.

·       The second guide is designed to support owners of heritage properties with practical information on what the Heritage Overlay means and how it affects them.

·       CoM is holding a workshop on 25th March 2020 from 6pm–7.30pm.

·       PCCC: Apologies from Nick who was due to attend tonight’s meeting but has had to cancel to attend a funeral; to be held over until May’s meeting.

Correspondence Out

·       Nil.


Guest Speakers: Callum Evans & Lauren Siegel (Younghusband Project)

·       Callum is the Senior Development Manager of the Younghusband Project. He joined the team in late December and is overseeing all matters related to the development, including community consultation, planning, builders, etc.

·       He is the main point of contact for the Association and the community.

·       Lauren is an analyst with the Impact Investment Group (“IIG”) and is overseeing everything from sustainability to tenancy arrangements.

·       Development update: Key focus is on delivering Stage 1 of the Project, which involves rejuvenating the heritage wool stores at 2-50 Elizabeth St and preparing them for the new tenants to move in. ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architects is the first, scheduled for late this year. The Federal Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is the second major tenant, scheduled to move in mid-2021.

·       The Masterplan is to develop the precinct in three stages between now and 2025.

·       Stage 2 is the redevelopment of 1-7 Elizabeth St, the red brick buildings between Younghusband and Allied Mills.

·       Stage 3 is 2-12 Barrett St, over the road to the east of Younghusband.

·       Unsolicited offer: IIG received an unsolicited, non-binding offer to buy Younghusband. Although it had not been looking to sell, the offer was such that IIG was obliged to take it seriously, and engage with the prospective buyer. In the end, the buyer did not make a compelling enough offer and negotiations did not proceed. IIG is very happy to be continuing with the Project.

·       Focus is now on re-engaging with the community on Stage 2 (plans will be submitted in the next 2-3 months). IIG is using the same consultants as Stage 1 based on positive feedback from the community.

·       Construction update: Island building will be finished this year (Stage 1). Stage 2 construction is expected to finish by the end of 2024/early 2025.

·       Callum will spend 2-3 days per week onsite.

·       Newsletter was sent a couple of weeks ago; residents can subscribe to receive regular updates on what’s happening, including progress on stages 1 and 2, proposed road closures, etc.

·       Maritza noted that the key issues for residents are traffic, loss of parking and the management of events.

·       Council recently sent a letter to nearby residents in relation to the proposed closure of Elizabeth Street, south of Fink Street.

·       The Association wrote a letter to Council in May 2018, indicating that it supports the closure in principle, but requested that Council survey residents in the area and set up a traffic management framework for events. Written submissions will be accepted until the 18th March 2020.

·       IIG is not opposed to a trial period but will be guided by Council.

·       Motion: Given the difficulty in predicting traffic flows, the Association recommends that Council conduct a 6 month trial to monitor traffic movements and potential impacts. Moved by Nikki, endorsed by Therese and carried unanimously.

·       Action: The Association to write to Council asking for it to consider/put forward some alternatives – they are taking parking away but are not offering anything in return. Nikki to co-ordinate response with impacted residents and send details to the Association, which will write a formal submission.


General Business & Reports

Treasurer and Membership Secretary’s Report Tony

·       Quiet month, only big transactions included the 5th instalment for the web development work and the re-imbursement of bank charges.

·       No new members.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese

·       Second tunnel boring machine came through today (all work is being done at night). Tunnel boring in our section is now largely complete.

Community Liaison Group for West Gate Tunnel Project – Fran

·       Soil contamination: To build the West Gate Tunnel, approximately 1.5 million cubic meters of rock and soil will need to be removed.

·       Low levels of a group of chemicals known as PFAS have been found in some of the excavated soil during tunnelling.

·       The project parties are working to find a long-term solution to safely manage the rock and soil created during tunnelling. This includes finding a permanent disposal site, and having a temporary, back-up holding site, to be used only when the permanent site can’t be accessed.

·       Vegetation: Landscape plans rely on some NSW/WA plant species (e.g. Angophora), when Moonee Ponds Creek Eucalypt species would have been just as good. Council’s species recommendations were also rejected.

·       The Project team is looking into this and will revert with further details.

·       Traffic management: Fran and Peter (representative from the North and West Melbourne Association) asked for details on traffic management plans.

Moonee Ponds Creek – John

·       John continues to report graffiti to Ellen Sandell’s office – most of it has now been removed (by Transurban); letters to Minister seem to be working.

·       Litter traps have been cleaned (Yoey Maxwell is maintaining an active interest); John continues to deliver photos each month.

·       John is now the temporary secretary of FoMPC.

·       Crushed rock set to be used as part of the West Gate Tunnel Project, between Dynon Rd and Footscray Rd, tumbled into the Creek after a bank on which it had been placed collapsed. A barrier has since been placed in the Creek to prevent the rubble from travelling further.

·       Action: Fran to raise this with the WGTP team.

Kensington Community Network – Moira

·       Anne Hayes is the incoming president for Rotary and is seeking ideas on where to store 90-100 art boards for the Art show taking place on the 25th of September.

·       Christ Church has a new kitchen if anyone wants to hire it.

·       The Flemington Association’s campaign to save ‘Big Red’ was successful.

·       CoM funded a compost pilot, which has since wrapped up. Kensington Town Hall has started a GoFund campaign to keep it going.

·       A bike repair workshop is being set up at the Kensington Market.

·       The Recreation Centre is working with the Venny to offer free sports for the homeless and disadvantaged during the school holidays.

PCCC (Therese)

·       Focus this year will be on the environment and crime – i.e. lighting, blind spots to ensure public safety.

·       Domestic violence remains a big issue.


Other Business

·       Paypal on the KA website – We have PayPal, it’s difficult to navigate and it attracts a fee every time a payment is processed. We have a balance of $9.42 which we have been unable to access. Both Liz and Tony have tried to contact PayPal in the past and have had no luck.

·       If we continue using it our contact person will need to provide personal details (i.e. passport, drivers licence and medicate details) to complete 100 point check.

·       John moved a motion that we stop using PayPal. Endorsed by Tony and carried unanimously.

·       Organisational category of membership – A couple of organisations have asked whether they can become members.

·       Action Item – Fran to check constitution so that we can put it to a vote next month.

·       Kensington Community Festival – The Association will be sharing the tent with FoMPC. Therese, Simon and Moira volunteered to ‘man’ the tent.

·       Action Item – Simon to send a note reminding members/residents about the event.

·       Action Item – Tony to check if we have any flyers we can hand out.

·       [Editor’s note: the Festival has now been cancelled due to the Coronavirus].


Matters from the Floor

·       David E – Bruce Street Development has been re-advertised. We have 14 days to lodge an application/objection (i.e. by the 12th of March). None of the 10-15 substantive issues we raised in our first submission have been addressed.

·       David E moved a motion that we re-affirm our objection to the development at 12-14 Bent Street. Endorsed by Maritza and carried unanimously.

·       Action: David E to update our initial submission and provide draft to Simon who will sign it on behalf of the Association.

·       Simon – The Assemble Group would like to talk to us about the Thompson Street development (between Robertson Street and Smith Street). Do we want to hear more?

·       Action: Simon to contact the Assemble Group to get more details.

·       Simon – The web developer is running training sessions; John, Tony, Simon, Nikki and Liz interested in attending.


Next Meeting: Monday 6th of April, Kensington Town Hall, 7:30-9:30pm

[Editor’s note: The Committee has decided to postpone next month’s meeting due to the Coronavirus. Urgent matters will be dealt with via email/phone]

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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