
7 October 2019


1. Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute taker: Fran Araneda

Location: Conference Room, Kensington Town Hall, 7:30-9:30pm

2. Welcome & Introductions

·       Welcome to existing and new members

3. House Keeping


Correspondence Out

Correspondence In

4. Guest Speakers: Kelly Hertzog & David Callow

Kelly and David will provide a brief presentation on the City of Melbourne’s Urban Forestry Strategy and lead a discussion on urban forest planning.

5. General Business & Reports

1.         Treasurer’s Report (Tony)

2.         Membership Secretary’s Report (Tony)

3.         Melbourne Metro Rail Project Working Group (Matt H / David E)

4.         Moonee Ponds Creek (John)

5.         West Gate Tunnel Project (Fran)

6.         Kensington Community Network (Moira)

7.         PCCC (Therese)

6. Other Business

o   2019 Community Grant Project

o   November Meeting

o   Newsletter & Website – Volunteers needed

7. Matters from the meeting floor
other member news, concerns, motions, notices and questions.
8. Next Meeting: TBC