City of Melbourne is planning to redevelop Kensington Community Recreation Centre “to make sure its services remain relevant, affordable and accessible to the local community”. The Kensington Association played an important role in the implementation of improvements in 1976 and considers this facility as pivotal to the health and wellbeing of our community.
At our February meeting Council representatives introduced this project and members were encouraged to respond by attending an information session and/or responding via participate Melbourne   Responses must be in by Thursday 28 February.
If you use the Centre now, respond to the survey saying how you use the Centre, what you like now, and what you would like to see improved or provided in the future.
If you no longer or never did use the Centre, here is a chance to say why and how a future facility could work for you. It is important that the Kensington Community responds. And it will only take you a few minutes – to benefit yourself, your community AND future generations of Kensington residents.