In order to continue our efforts in supporting the local community, the Kensington Association needs to raise funds. In particular, we need a financial reserve for actions fighting inappropriate developments and campaigning to ensure that the Metro Rail Tunnel will be constructed and delivered in a manner that both minimises construction impact and leaves an acceptable legacy in our suburb. We are heading into an election campaign and one of the key outcomes we are seeking is a major upgrade of South Kensington Station. The substantial lobbying needed will be greatly assisted by this fundraising effort. Thanks to generous donations, we are already on our way to our target of $10,000. All monies will be allocated to projects that directly benefit the local community and as such, we all win from our collective support
HELP US SPREAD THE WORD byt sending the link to family and friends or provide them with this KA 2018 fundraising flyer
Please help keep Kensington the beautiful, vibrant, community-driven suburb we all love to live in.