On 18 February the Planning Minister released his decision on the VRC’s application for land rezoning to make way for its proposed major apartment tower developments at Epsom Road and on the west side of Flemington Racecourse. The news is generally positive for our community. The Kensington Association actions, together with those of the Flemington Association, the Ascot Vale Residents Action Group (AVRG) and individual citizens, have been important in shaping the Minister’s final call. Our thanks to all. One critical outcome is the directive that ongoing consultation is undertaken with local resident throughout all of the next planning stages. So please check out the Minister’s Media Release and his Advisory Committee’s ‘Flemington Green and Epsom Road’ Stage 4 Report with its recommendations. Come along to our next meeting to hear more updates and become involved in this continuing story.

Min Wynne Media release_Flem Life 18 Feb 2017

Flemington Green and Epsom Road AC Stage 4 Report