The City of Melbourne is proposing to install two pedestrian (zebra) crossings in Eastwood and Bellair Streets at railway underpass (opposite Smith Street).
The pedestrian underpass is used by school children going between their homes (east of the railway line) and schools located to the west of the railway line (Kensington Primary School and Kensington Community High School).
Council thinks a formal crossing in this location would also improve ‘local connectivity’ between the communities on the east and west sides of the railway line as currently one has to walk to the controlled crossings at either Racecourse or Macaulay Roads.
The installation of zebra crossings at these two locations will result in the loss of on-street parking. In Bellair Street a total of 4 parking spaces will be lost as a result of the kerb extensions (see plan), while 7 parking spaces will be lost in Eastwood Street (five on the west side and two on the east side).
Traffic surveys were undertaken in November 2014 to assess pedestrian and traffic levels in both Eastwood Street and Bellair Street at the underpass. The results indicate that the pedestrian volumes meet the VicRoads ‘pedestrian warrants’ for a crossing in both streets, however the vehicle volumes are slightly less than the required amount. Nonetheless, Council has received VicRoads approval for these crossing to be installed.
The zebra crossings will require street lighting that meet VicRoads guidelines and a consultant is looking at flood lighting tht may be needed. Local residents that are directly affected regarding the proposal will be communicated to by Council. Council representatives will be at the next meeting (Monday 4th May) and will be able to answer any questions.See the plan Proposed pedestrian crossing Eastwood Bellair