Attend the rally on Saturday – we need to let the government know that we do not want more rat-running through Kensington (caused by the East West Link) and actually we do not want more traffic – it stinks and is noisy!

Gather with other Kensington folk, at 12:30 and put on ear protection and face mask if you like (provided) at the Association’s banner. We are starting from outside Storey Hall, 342 Swanston St and will go the whole march with our specially made placards and headgear that makes it clear what we do not want (and adds a touch of anonymity to the shy)!

Train times to get there on Saturday:
From Kensington Station: Dep 12:17 (arrive Melbourne Central 12:24) or 12:37 (arr 12:44)
From Macaulay Station*: Dep 12:25 (Melbourne Central 12:35) or 12:45 (arr 12:55) or 12:05 (arr 12:15)
From South Kensington Station: 12:23 (Melbourne Central 12:31) or 12:43 (arr 12:51) or 12:03 (arr. 12:11)

*If you have received a flier in your letter box note the train times are wrong for Macaulay, note these above.