Contact Citylink to come and test the noise levels at your place.  We need data to be able to argue that if Citylink is to be expanded from 6 to 8 lanes and traffic speed increased from 80 to 100kph we already have noise which is above the current limit, and Transurban must apply sound attenuation measures as part of any changes.

Given the plan is to increase the capacity of Citylink to carry an extra 30%, we need to establish that Kensington is already bearing a high cost to local amenity. The more people who request the test, the harder it would be to wriggle out of the obligation, when the data is there.

WHAT to do to get a test done:
send an email to these 2 people, as we are not sure who took over from the last responsible officer: Peter Doran – and David McLoughlin –

Suggested format of email;

Hello Team,
As I understand the recent contact at Transurban regarding CityLink noise I assume this responsibility has now passed over to your hands. I am hoping you can help or forward this to the responsible person.

I have noticed greater noise levels from CityLink over the last 6 to 12 months, and so I wish to register a formal complaint regarding the current high levels of noise from CityLink at my home in Kensington.

I understand, the Concession Deed for CityLink, states that the traffic noise must comply with the noise level objectives of 63 dB(A) LA10 (18 hour) for Category A residences. Thus, I am making a request for you to carry out noise level testing to determine if noise levels are actually within the required Concession Deed noise limit obligations. Should you need to gain access to my yard (or balcony) for testing I am happy to assist. I look forward to your reply.





THANKS for your help.