This week marked the last AGM for the Doutta Galla Community Health Service before it merges with North Yarra Community Health and Western Region Health Centre. With formal agreement, the process of becoming one organisation has begun. Performances by the Kensington Primary School choir illustrated both how integral Doutta Gall has been, and continue to be with its community and how, overall what is decided now will have ramifications for generations.

By joining forces with two like-minded bodies each organisation will be in a stronger position to grow local health services to meet community needs, and to advocate more effectively for accessible and equitable health services.

North Yarra Community Health, Western Region Health Centre and Doutta Galla Community Health share a strong and enduring commitment to serving those most vulnerable in their communities.

It was most evident from talking with staff and management after the meeting that already the three organisations are learning from each other and will, combined, be in the best position to deal with the ever-more complex health care system demands to fulfill their commitment to delivering high quality and locally based services to the Kensington community.