Agenda August 7th 2023

Next Meeting September 4th 2023 – AGM

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Agenda, please click on the link below.



Meeting Details

Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute taker: Maritza Araneda

Zoom – 6.30-8.00pm

Welcome & Apologies

House Keeping — essentials

Minutes of previous meeting – July 5th

Business Arising

Correspondence In

Correspondence Out

1.         General Business & Reports — essentials only

Treasurer, Membership, MRP, PCC, etc

Matters/Questions – re ongoing functioning or KA

1)     Constitutional proposal

Two constitution changes to clauses relating to ‘meetings’.


11. (1) General meetings of the Association shall be held at intervals of approximately 2 months from February [present constitution says 4 wks]

to December.

Add .. new clause

11. (3) The Committee shall have the option of calling any additional General meeting after outlining its particular purpose to members.


2)     Membership initiatives .. younger members, areas not represented in membership.

3)     AGM and office bearers

4)     Where we need support?

5)     What are our skill deficits?

6)     How can we improve connection with CoM?

7)     How can we improve connection with the Kensington Community?

[‘We are dependent on the quality of our community connections, which ultimately correlates with the level of community involvement.’]

8)     How can we better support renters as opposed to property-owners?

9)     How can we be proactive as opposed to reactive?



Other Matters from the meeting floor


Next Meeting – AGM – September 4th



To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Agenda, please click on the link below.


Other Meetings


Date & Time:

AUGUST 7th 2023
6:30 pm – 8.00 pm


Kensington Association
Simon Harvey


Monthly Meeting




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