Draft Minutes June 2023

Minutes (Draft):June 5th 2023

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.




Meeting Details

Acting Chair: Simon Harvey

Minute Taker: Maritza Araneda

Location: Kensington Town Hall 


House Keeping

·       Welcomed: Simon opened the meeting and paid his respects to the traditional owners of the land past, present and emerging.

       Apologies: Geoff, Therese, Moira, Cr Leppert, Fran, David E, Liz, Digby

  • May meeting minutes were tabled.

Maritza and Tony C endorsed the minutes as being a true reflection of what was discussed.

Business arising from the minutes

·      Flood submission – Simon confirmed that a submission was made to CoM, a copy of which has been posted on our website. Six key items were raised, including a history of Kensington and floods in the area.

·      Matters to be discussed with Mel from CoM, still outstanding and to be carried to next meeting (safety of pedestrians given construction,

·      Grant – a submission was made and lodged with CoM for additional funding– now waiting for response

Correspondence In:

·      Traffic Survey around South Kensington Station – Therese sent an email to Michael from the MMRP authority on behalf of KA regarding our participation in a survey, which we were asked to complete in 7 days. In our view, it is to too premature given the work is still being completed. It is premature to assess impact at this stage. She also urged that the community be kept informed.

Action – in Therese’s absence, Denis to follow up

Correspondence Out:

·      Submission to flood enquiry


General Business & Reports

 Treasurer’s Report

·      No significant transactions (inflows or outflows) of note for the month of May. Main outflows: renewal of P.O Box, payment of rental for Kensington Town Hall (paid up to August), reimbursement to Simon

Membership Secretary’s Report

·      No update on memberships – membership renewal campaign to be launched next month.

Melbourne Metro Rail Project (“MMRP”) Report – Therese

•       Carried to next month as Therese is away

PCCC – Therese

•       Carried to next month as Therese is away

Moonee Ponds Creek (MPC) report (submitted by John)

·      John’s May report was tabled

·      John highlighted that some trees were thriving but there was still significant rubbish. Volunteers continue to help. John enquired as to what happens without volunteers?

·      Kensington densification means that open spaces need to be maintained and cleaned. It is still an issue within Kensington and one who no-one takes responsibility.

·      Litter trap – what is the function of the litter-trap cameras if nothing changes

 West Gate Tunnel Project – (submitted by Fran)

·      No significant update as there have been no further meetings

·      Closures will continue along Dynon Street (until end of August), detour buses will be needed as some train lines closed (Macaulay, South Kensington, North Melbourne). This continues to be an issue for residents as this results in additional traffic on local roads (Macaulay/Kensington/Flemington).

Kensington Community Network – Simon H

·      No significant updates to report on

Kensington Reconciliation Action Group

·      Film shown at KNH to discuss the heritage and Voice vote.

·      Simon tabled a motion – “that the Kensington Association formally endorse federal constitutional recognition for First Peoples through a Voice to Parliament as a first step towards justice and self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders”. Moved by Kate/Denis. Passed unanimously.



Other follow up matters

·      No other matters raised


Matters from the meeting floor

·      Marine & civil maintenance – Kaye from FOMPC sent a letter to this group to understand what they are doing in the area, what authority they have and who is responsible for maintaining the area.

·      Bicycle study – Dennis wrote to the CoM on the plans/drawings/status. He requested a study so as to understand the trajectory and hence how any potential changes/developments will be managed so as to ensure safety of cyclists. It was noted that no study exists and hence it is unclear how CoM is making these decisions.

Action – Dennis to prepare submission for KA to take to Future Melbourne meeting.


Next meeting

Next meeting will be held on 3rd July at Kensington Town Hall.

Attendees at 5th June meeting held at 7:30pm  

  • Simon (Chair), Tony, Maritza, Sheila, Kate, Dennis and John
  • Guests: No guests

To download a printable copy of the latest Meeting Minutes, please click on the link below.


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