Draft Minutes May 2023

Minutes (Draft):May 1st 2023

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Kensington Association Minutes (draft)

Meeting 1/5/2023

Kensington Town Hall

Chair:  Simon Harvey; Minute taker:  Moira Yffer

Apologies:  Dennis, David, Kate, Geoff, John.

Minutes: accepted Maritza, Therese

Business Arising

  • Racecourse Rd issues .. Simon talked with Rohan who will be attempting to try to have it prioritised for coming budget – bridge issues are part of a bigger plan for the Road.
  • Submission re flooding – Simon still to discuss with Kate who has relevant paperwork from the past. They will circulate a draft response to the committee when completed.  2nd June is the final date to submit to the Parliamentary meeting.  Sheila advised you can get on an invitation list to hearings.
  • Parliament House Tour – Kate still to organise a possible future date.

Correspondence in:

  • Racecourse Road – from Rohan
  • PCCC Report regarding Police raid on vaping shop in North Melbourne.
  • Letter from a resident taking issue with the changes of speed zones around Kensington – particularly with all the new building areas. Simon will raise this with Mel at City of Melbourne to seek clarification. 
  • Letter from a resident reporting a friend fell off her bike when getting tangled in tape around a building site. Simon to follow up with Mel.
  • Bridge 75 (bike/pedestrian path) – Maritza will follow up with Fran who is on the committee.

Correspondence out: 

  • Simon has responded to both residents’ letters.

Treasurer’s Report:  Maritza ….. minimal activity. 

Metro Rail:  Therese.

There are a series of special community reference groups meetings at 7.30am online. Therese attending next one on 2/5 which she assumes will entail an update on where things are at.  South Kensington Station reference group – Therese is away for the next meeting – probably on 6/6 – to be confirmed.  She has submitted a number of questions for consideration – for instance, some traffic counting.  Simon offered to attend in Therese’s absence.  

PCCC:  Therese

Big increase in liquor licence applications with less eligibility criteria now.  Police are concerned about this.  CoM is encouraging people to apply as they raise funds from them.

Future Melbourne Committee

See previous minutes – still to action.

Open Spaces

Report shared and tabled.


Noted new flags in the meeting room – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island.


Website – Sheila.

Discussion about how to keep our website updated, relevant and user friendly.  Nikki offered to post content on the website if someone informs her what to post.  Would be good to have more up to date information to attract more interest. 

Small Grants from Council

Discussion about whether to apply for funding to support Facebook updates.  Maritza reported she would submit an application for a Connected Neighbourhood grant – deadline is 12/5.

Works concerns – Sheila reported major work around Bruce Street/Arden Street – fixing of bridge.  Concern about impacts.  No notification of works.  Also, hard to keep track of weed spraying in the area – what is being sprayed, how safe is it and who is responsible.

Homelessness – Sheila reported noticing an increase in sleeping rough in the area.  Meeting decided to raise this issue at a Future Melbourne meeting. 

Next Meeting:  Monday June 5th


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